Yeehaw, pardners!

Alex the Great on New Year's Eve, by sarahstierch, CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Office Dog knows there’s no “I” in “team.”
Office Dog always gives at least 110 percent.
Office Dog respects the company dress code.
Office Dog never takes the last doughnut from the break room.
Office Dog remembers to put cover sheets on his TPS reports.
Life is good for Office Dog.
The place actually froze over. They kept saying it would never happen, but here it is. I’m going to miss the smell of sulfur and brimstone, but I suppose we’ll adapt somehow. I’ll say this for sure, though: There’s gonna be a whole lot of people up top making good on some heavy promises.
Hellraiser ))), by Staropramen1969, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Yes, Halloween was back in the long-long ago time when things still made sense, but reader AB, of Rey and Grogu fame, just shared these pets dressed for a long-long ago time that never was. So fire up the dirigible and wind your pocket watch, it’s full steam ahead.
This Halloween, my husband and I donned brown togs and pocket watches for a steampunk look, and Fennec the Steampup served as the official Trick-or-treater Greeter!
Dakk the Russian Blue devil cat deigned to try on Fennec’s outfit for a brief photo op punctuated by angry meowing.
Jinx the black lab was willing to pose in the vest but considered the hat beneath his dignity.