Links: I’m Moo-ving In

Cow in the house, cute ceramics, dogs get their 15 minutes, sleepy giraffe, and more.

And finally: Monday Mood

Alice Shortcake shares a sleepy giraffe.

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Links: Dairy Queen

Cow at the window, second baby rhino, man rescues animals, sleepy drinking dog, and more.

And finally: I Need a Drink

Andrew Y. shares a thirsty sleepy pup.

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Links: Birds of a Feather

Lonely geese thrive together, the cow comes home, best wildlife photos, and a wombat under the tree.

And finally: Someone Was Very Good Last Year!

They got wombats for Christmas, Murray C.!

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Links: Twelve Months of Cutemas

Cute calendar dogs, ‘Lovey-Dovey Purr Muffin,’ subway beagle saved, cow joins bison herd, and more.

And finally: Macaw at the Spa

Andrew Y. shares this relaxing massage.

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