Links: I Am the Owl-powerful!

Magpies “worship” fake owl, pampered Nepalese dogs, baby rhino, wombat zoomies, and more.

And finally: Sproingy Wombat!

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Links: It’s a Trap!

Cats fall for traps, dog adopts magpie, pittie prefers husband to wife, and fun on the playground.

And finally: WHEEEEEE!
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Links: Ceiling Possum Is Watching You Matriculate

Eye in the sky, fancy doghouses, elk daycare, bird stalks cat, and more.

And finally: Meanwhile, in Opposite World…

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Links: You Came to The Right Place

Mama duck goes to maternity, corgi loves cats, pet magpie, tiger cubs, and more.

And finally: Good Morning!

Elizabeth G. shares a real Disney princess.

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