Find the Doggos!

How many doggos can you find in this picture sent in by Andrew Y.? Study carefully, then scroll down to reveal the hidden answer!

Peek-a-boo, we see you. (Reddit)

Answer: Five. There is one white doggo at lower right, another white doggo near middle left, and three ninja stealth doggos hidden in the trees so heckin’ good that you can’t even see them.

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Links: Cuteness on the March

Dog in marching band, cat delivers flowers, hurricane rescue cat has kittens, and do wombats have deadly butts?

And finally: A-door-able

Dana D. shares a confused cat.

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You Nap? I Yap!

Buddy the Goldie is babysitting a sleepy kitten, who is no doubt worn out after her earlier nap. But Buddy’s other guest, a yappy husky pup, has other plans.

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