Fiona Update: Hgurlgh Frmb Murgth

Fiona the pruugm hrrgh htruurgh ur glrrugh flggth now five feet deep and slrrth murrl ig gnurfle snrr glorrth yrble han sleep underwater for up to blurbble hthurr muph glurrrthle urrbly eating a cup of grain a drr rrghth yurrgh blurple hurr.

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Links: Fiona-less Hippo Edition

And finally: Make Way for Ducklings

Via Faye.

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Fiona Update: Fire Blorpedo One!

Fiona is getting in deep now. The thriving preemie hippo is now swimming in up to four feet of water, staying underwater longer and propelling herself like a big blorpy torpedo. Look for an underwater roll, followed by a spirited game of tag with her caretakers.

But there’s more Fiona fun at the Cincinnati Zoo’s Fiona updates page, where you can see a replay of a live Facebook event with Fiona and her keepers last Friday.

Thanks to Fiona-watchers Lois M. and Daniel C.

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