Weekend Open Thread

Cold enough for you? Well, it’s cold enough for reader Tracy R. and her cat Hamster:

Hereโ€™s Hamster making a point that itโ€™s rather chilly (heโ€™s lying in the spot where the heat comes out of the vent). Just so everyone knows that Iโ€™m not torturing the cat by turning down the heat: I hate cold as much as Hamster, and the thermostat is set at eighty degrees. Yes, eighty. And me and Hamster are still a bit chilly!

cat with light fur and a striped tail lays on the floor near an ornate wooden chest. The chest is partially covering a heating grate.
Um, could somebody move this chest so I can sit ON the vent?
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Bed Buddy

Even with a comfy quilted bed nearby, this kitten knows that Buddy is the better bed because: 1. Buddy is self-heating, and 2. a bed can never be inconvenienced by having a cat sitting on it.

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Links: Mouseterpieces

Cute handcrafted mice, cat and horse become friends, barking squirrel, and a friendly seal.

And finally: Thank You, Thing

Andrew Y. shares a moment of reciprocal pet-pets.

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