Loulou’s Family Reunion

Five dachshunds stand in a row.

Loulou and Coco the dachshunds recently reunited with some of their offspring for a playful party. Let’s join them!

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Links: Mutt Marketing

A dog licks a woman's face

And finally: Advanced Fetch

When fetching sticks gets boring, it’s time to move on to bigger things, in this video shared by Dana D.

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Carrot Caper II: The Crunchening

It looks like the theme for today is greedy carrot thieves, so let’s see what happens when you leave a golden retriever home alone with a whole plateful. The answer may surprise you! Unless you guessed he eats the carrots, then it won’t.

Golden retriever dog steals a carrot from a plate.
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Links: Shark-topus-pocalypse-palooza!

Photograph of octopus riding on a shark as viewed from overhead

And finally: Carrot Caper

Andrew Y. brings us a greedy hamster.

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