Open and Shut Case

“Look, kid, as your lawyer I’m working hard for you, but you need to give me something to work with here. You claim that a band of ninja elf pirates ate all of the cookies — did anyone else see them? Is there video? Maybe we can get the sentence reduced to time-out served.”

“Of *course* nobody saw them — they’re ninjas!”

Looks guilty to me, Sharon H.

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Links: Take a Hike, Part II

And finally: Sucker Punch

From sender-inners Karen F. and AJ, here’s a once-in-a-lifetime video of a sea lion slapping a kayaker with an octopus.

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They’re So Cute When They’re Puppies

(Oh wow, I could stare at this kid all day. This is the perfect age, when they smell like talcum powder and just sit there looking at you with those big puppy-kid eyes. Then they start crawling and learn how to pull your tail…)

via Murray C.

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Baby Talk

Ladies and gentlemen, we take you live to the press conference by the visiting Prime Minister of Babyland, Lady Ophelia Diaperwaddle, who will read a prepared speech, accompanied by a translator. A transcript will be available as soon as we can find someone to translate the translator.

A-bah bah bah bah bah, Murray C.

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