Yawning for Puppies

While it may appear simple and spontaneous, yawning is a complex skill that requires practice to achieve mastery. In this guide you will learn the three steps of the basic puppy yawn:

Step One: Preparation — Allow your body to become limp and sleepy. Clear your mind of thoughts, if you happen to have any.

puppy with cream colored fur sits in the grass, looking sleepy. A fly is underneath its left eye
Pay no attention to that fly.

Step Two: Initiate the Yawn — Extend tongue forward. Take care at this step that tongue does not trail onto ground.

puppy with cream colored fur sits in the grass, extending its tongue at the start of a yawn

Step Three: Follow Through — While withdrawing your tongue, open your mouth wide as if about to eat a giant cheeseburger. Curling the tongue at this step adds an extra flourish.

puppy with cream colored fur sits in the grass, yawning
And now you’re yawning just looking at this.

30095: Puppy yawn part 3, by Panegyrics of Granovetter, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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To Have and to Hug

When you’re a dog, you’re usually the most huggable one in the household — but sometimes you need someone to hug, too. Maybe that’s why these Reddit users noticed their dog formed a very special attachment.

Our pup Murphy destroys every single toy he gets within a few hours, yet this one is different. He only cuddles it and won’t let anyone touch it.

Medium-sized brown dog sleeps on a bedspread, holding on to a stuffed dog.
It’s like I’m hugging myself.
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