Ten Points to Slitherin’

Meet Sylvia Sarah Sanderschnossel, the newest student at Hognose School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She’s enrolled in a very unusual major, and if she can graduate, she’ll make history as the first non-wooden magic wand.

I’ll have to make myself sssuper sssstiff. (Reddit)

Have they ever tried anything on this scale before, Sharon H.?

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Horns a’Plenty!

For National Unicorn Day, a mythical menagerie

The unicorn symbolizes the traits of purity and innocence, which is why everyone thinks it’s a mythical creature. Well, the joke’s on them, because unicorns are everywhere. Since today is National Unicorn Day, let’s celebrate with a look at some recent unicorn sightings.

1. Unicorns are known for their sleek coats, complete with cuffs.

I have mine custom tailored.

Dogicorn in Central Park NYC, by andreaarden, licensed under CC BY 2.0

2. The Uni-wawa

Yo quiero outta this thing.

3. The Uni-piggy is 100% pure

Still not kosher, though. (BuzzFeed)

4. The Uni-kitty is rare because it’s a cat who enjoys wearing costumes.

Put me in the clown suit next! (Facebook)

5. Finally, the legendary Uni-snek.

I like the way my horn sssssssssswirls. (Imgur)
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Set Your Writing in Stone!

Writers: Are you always second-guessing your work? Constantly erasing, writing, and re-erasing until you find just the right “voice”? Put an end to this paralyzing habit with the NOPEncil™, the writing implement that surrounds the eraser with baby vipers so you’ll be encouraged to keep your hand at the pointy end where it’s safe. From the makers of BackZap™, the keyboard with the electrified backspace key.

Even LOOKING at the eraser turns you to stone.

I’ll just use a pen, John B. (via Houston Zoo.)

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