Rabbit Recording

Glad you could make it on such short notice, because they say you’re one of the best sound-effects rabbits in the business. What happened was they wrapped shooting on “Peter Cottontail and the Carrot Patch of Doom” but the microphones didn’t pick up sound during the all-important garden ravaging scene. So just give us a solid eight minutes of munching and we’ll loop it in post-production. This will be take one, aaaaaaaannnnd… rolling!

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Bunday Bit Part

Welcome to the audition, Mr, ah… (checks resume) Bunny. Now, I don’t know how much your agent told you, but today you’ll be reading for the part of “lettuce-eating rabbit.” So when you’re ready, just hop up to the microphone and give us some really good, clear munching, thanks.

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I Am Goat, Hear Me Roar

Baby goat squeaks adorably

This baby goat at Barn Sanctuary, a farm animal sanctuary in Chelsea, Michigan, has the most fearsome, ferocious… squeak. And whenever the pet-pets stop, the squeaking starts.

Love the chicken imitation at 0:42, John B.

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Wary Wombat Wednesday

At first, this shy wombat doesn’t want to come forward, but curiosity wins out as it steps up to say hello, making cute chattering noises. Speakers up!

PS: Shout-out to J. P. for a generous tip. Thank you very much!

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