Happy Caturday and welcome to the open thread. Today’s visitor is ready for the big egg hunt and egg rolling event.

Happy Caturday and welcome to the open thread. Today’s visitor is ready for the big egg hunt and egg rolling event.
Welcome to the Caturday open thread! Today’s visitors, courtesy reader Georgiana Y., remind us that different cats have different styles:
Skye and Storm still love to cuddle together for a nap.
Minnie prefers relaxing alone on her pillow next to me on the couch.
Happy Caturday! We have a new, and totally adorable, visitor today, courtesy of reader Karen F.:
This is Yoshi, she admits to being a princess and expects pampering.
Peek-a-boo, citizens of Cutetropolis! This kitten named Chichi will be keeping watch over today’s open thread.