Ah, Caturday — One of only seven days in a typical week when cats can shake off their burdens and just relax. And few cats do it better than Hamster, as seen in this photo from reader Tracy R.

Ah, Caturday — One of only seven days in a typical week when cats can shake off their burdens and just relax. And few cats do it better than Hamster, as seen in this photo from reader Tracy R.
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Sad that he gets so little time to just chill out…
O my gosh!…the feets! Ded I tell you…ded😵
So tiny!!
The dogs were so good again that Georgie had to sing about it.
And when I went to get the video, I saw in the sidebar that WeRateDogs has a new CEO! I’m sure she’ll do great!
The leetle tiny dog, Dobby, is just exceptional!💙💙 I love the face of the dog with clipped-too-close nail. That FACE! I have seen similar faces on other animals for the same reason, but THIS face is just beyond, beyond!
Thanks Allein for posting these! It came across my feeds yesterday, and I was, NOPE, I’ll wait👍🏼😁
I usually watch videos at 1.5 speed. This is one of the few that I alway watch at normal speed.
I always wait too because it’s such fun to enjoy the vids on Saturday.
Love this channel so much. I tell everybody about it.
Oh to be so relaxed! Good illustration of the “cat is liquid” rule.
Lazy Saturday here. Just running a few errands and then retreating either to the A/C or the pool. It’s cool now but we’re supposed to hit upper 80s today and tomorrow. Plus my back has been acting up so I don’t want to overdo it. Good thing I have a new book to read! Happy weekend everyone!
What book?
Yeah, what book?
I actually had 2 on hold – How to Solve Your Own Murder, and Edge of the Grave. I’m a huge mystery book fan. Now … decisions, decisions, which to read first?
Mysteries are my favorite too! I am frequently in the position of “which book first”, a good position to be in☺️
Good Morning Hamster, I hope you enjoy your relaxing day! You look very, um, comfortable? in that setup? 🤣 I love your antics.
Went to a lovely wedding last night – wore heels, and am paying for it now. It was worth it though. The bride is a co-worker and so the wedding has been on the events calendar for the year. It was outdoors, and because “S” is “S”, – she was able to command the weather. It was pleasant temperature and humidity wise, with an almost-full-moon rise over the venue in the evening. From my stand point, it couldn’t have been more perfect.
Today I’m taking a workshop on zoom. I absolutely LOVE taking workshops on zoom. I can stay in bed until the last minute, am in the comfort of my own studio, I don’t have to shower, can have my cup of coffee a the ready and can do my laundry while there is a lull. Oh, and I can check in on Cutetropolis anytime without being rude. Looking forward to everyone’s updates.
What kind of workshops? How much is the cost? Inquiring minds…
I bet it’s yarn-related! Or some other craft! Zoom workshops are a great way to take on a new skill. I’ve had great fun at workshops on dyeing or organizing/documenting one’s yarn stash.
Close DebG, it’s a stub book binding workshop through the Guild of Book Workers. $100. Teacher is in England and we span the eastern side of the US from Chicago to Philly.
Stub binding is used when you want a full spread to open completely flat such as for a map or large illustration instead of having part of it stuck down in the gutter. I have lots of these books to fix at work. Learning lots 🥰
Oh cool!
Yep! Part one, prep, isn finished. Next week is the binding.
Wave your legs in the air like you just don’t care!
Mercifully I am now reaching the end of my decorating marathon. The painting in the loft is now finished and I’ve found someone to lay the vinyl flooring. I’m so delighted with the new room I sometimes go up there solely to sit on a folding chair and work out how to maximize the storage space or simply to look out of the window. Speaking of which, when I was painting the wall with the window open a pigeon perched on the glass and stared at me for fully five minutes. It was less than two feet away and I’ve never got such a good view of a pigeon’s undercarriage.
Yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far in England, and after several weeks of dismal weather I was desperate to get outside and enjoy it. Unfortunately I was stuck in the house until almost 2pm waiting for packages to be delivered, but eventually I managed to enjoy a walk in the park and a picnic (well, a sandwich and a bottle of orange juice) by the river. It was so hot I actually felt relieved to get back home again!
Alice, we can’t wait to see photos of your new space. It sounds delightful.
I’!! have to keep you in suspense for about a month as I’m waiting for someone to assemble flat pack furniture – the instructions are completely beyond me…
Our zoom educator was complaining about the heat. When asked how hot it was, she recalculated to Fahrenheit, 75°. Those of us from Philadelphia smiled and said nothing of our 98°F/37°C heat we’ve had this past week. She spoke of the humidity – and I get it. Child of California, living in Philadelphia, I’ve never gotten used to the humidity. ick. Hope you have ways to stay cool.
I was in Tulsa and Claremore, OK last week. On Sunday it was 108° F (42.22° C). I’m told it can get very humid there, but fortunately for me, the humidity was pretty low. Came home to temperatures in the 80s/90s in NYC, but oy vey iz mir, the humidity …
I need Hamster to come and teach me relaxation because it’s been a stressful week here let me tell you!
First we noticed that water was leaking next to the furnace and it seemed to come from the connection to the new heat pump. So Tuesday called the company and the problem ended up being with the old furnace pump not with the new equipment. They were very nice and only charged us for the parts and not the time so it didn’t cost too much.
Then Thursday the guy came to redo the asphalt in the driveway, it was supposed to be a one day job but when he tore off the old stuff he found that it wasn’t done properly in the first place, I guess that’s why it was in such a bad shape. But that means a much bigger job than he anticipated because he had to dig up all the old dirt and put down a base of gravel but he didn’t have time to put down the asphalt.
So not only is it going to cost almost double now the driveway is just rocks and we can’t use it for the next 2 weeks because they couldn’t finish the job before the construction holidays and in Quebec anything related to construction in halted the last 2 weeks in July but he said we’re the first on the list come August.
I think I’m going to need a vacation after all this.
NOOOOO! And it seemed to be going so well price-wise.
So sorry. It’s just one thing after another with houses.
I’ve just discovered a very minor problem caused by the loft conversion. In order to carry an electrical cable to the loft it was necessary to drill a narrow channel in the plaster of a bedroom wall. Fortunately I have enough leftover paint to cover the new plaster, but about a year ago I threw out a leftover length of wallpaper border that would have covered the gap…and the border has since been discontinued! So now I’ll have to replace the ENTIRE border. Fortunately the only item of furniture I’ll need to move in order to do this is the bed.
How annoying! How long a piece of the border do you need? Is it something you could have reproduced at your local printer? You might not get the same texture, but someone would have to be looking mighty close to notice the difference. Or could you remove a piece that will not be visible from behind the bed maybe? Just some thoughts.
Hamster is definitely a beach cat, in Jackson Galaxy’s definition. It’s great that he can relax so much after a stressful week.
Speaking of stressful weeks, I’m grateful that a certain political convention is over–it was really bringing me down. The political news in the US seems to get worse and worse.
I’ll relax this weekend–which promises beautiful, not-hot weather–by sorting through my stash and deciding what goes on the shelves of my new loft bed and what stays in the closet. Last weekend, I set up the furniture and storage cubes in the studio. Now I get to revisit all my yarn and fiber! These kinds of forays always get my creative juices flowing.
Hugs to you all.
C’mere, Hamster. I need to cuddle something.
Sounds like many of us have had intense weeks this week. My turn.
Hubby definitely being groomed for promotion. BIL working for him has been wracking up write ups and formal warnings, and will be told on Monday that he’s one step away from being fired. Other BIL learned his boss is retiring and selling the business, so HE wants to retire. Now he and my sister engaged in loud discussions as to how it’s going to happen, as he wants to move to Alberta and she wants to stay here. She’s very happy to split up. Too hot here. Duckie not doing well. And I’m falling more.
Next week WILL be better.
Have a good weekend, everyone, and stay cool.
My cats are sending you their patented healing purrs.
Yikes! Bibi advises: When in doubt, DO NOT FALL. (Either that or land someplace soft.)
Are you making sure you’re adequately hydrated? You’d be amazed the number of things proper hydration can help with.
Oh dear. Retirement should be a happy event. Maybe they can snow bird it?
Like that hubby is being groomed, in a good way, for better things.
Stay on your feet!
Heya, American Peeps! I am so gratefully taking a much needed vacation starting next Thursday, going down again to visit with my cousin who is based out of Atlanta. The following weekend we are going up to the cabin located in North Carolina. I am sooo looking forward to vacation, I terribly need it. Excited to be hanging with you guys. 🙂
My sister kept asking me to go for lunch with her today and of course, I did, but I warned her that I was desperately in need of vacay as the stuff that I can usually shrug off and roll my eyes to, yet happily carry on in my positive merry way, is now not allowing me to carry on my merry way.
We had a great lunch but I am in this duality of me being me and f’n oscar the grouch. As we were settling the bill, she checked her phone and giggled and said, ‘Hey! this meme reminds me of you right now.
The meme is from a dogs perspective… eating flies is ‘eating flying raisins’ and eating wasps is eating ‘flying Jalapeno raisins’. She’s like ‘yup, you need a well-deserved vacation… you are a spicy flying Jalapeno raisin today.
😀 😀 !
Ahhh, man, here’s to upcoming summer vacay!