Weekend Open Thread

Happy Saturday and welcome to the open thread. Today reader Georgiana Y. shares her two cats Storm and Skye being, well, unique:

I’m not sure why but Storm was feeling particularly affectionate toward my foot this evening.

Black cat lies on the floor, revealing his belly. His head is pressed against a human foot, presumably the person taking the picture
I just really like it, okay?

Skye’s little sad face watching us leave the house this morning.

Striped cat looks through second floor window, as seen from ground level
Sure, leave me alone with the foot fetishist.
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Weekend Open Thread

Happy Caturday, fellow Cutetropolitans! We’re having open thread outdoors today, under the watchful eye of Jacques, from reader Tara O.

Despite his health issues over the winter and turning 18 this month, he still insists on being the supervisor. I thought I’d have to give him an emeritus position, but he has surprised me.

Remember, I’m watching you.

I was working on the roses in the front this week and was thoroughly inspected and supervised.

Leave me some foliage to hide in.

As you can see, Butch has no interest in this sort of responsibility.

And just where do you think you’re going?
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Weekend Open Thread

Greetings, Cutetropolitans! Today reader SoccerSue shares some pics and video of an adorable cat with an unusual tail.

After almost 4 years of being catless, we finally adopted a new fur baby! Meet Julius, the orange bobtail! He’s a friendly, snuggly love bug who purrs nonstop, plays hard and sleeps harder, and has an abundance of orange cat energy. His tail has a mind of its own!

You haven’t seen the end of me yet!
Ok, technically you have, but still…
The front of me is also cute.
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