Ah, Caturday — One of only seven days in a typical week when cats can shake off their burdens and just relax. And few cats do it better than Hamster, as seen in this photo from reader Tracy R.

Ah, Caturday — One of only seven days in a typical week when cats can shake off their burdens and just relax. And few cats do it better than Hamster, as seen in this photo from reader Tracy R.
Welcome to the open thread! Caturday is a great day to check in on friends, and here’s Storm making sure his friends get the attention they need, says Georgiana Y.:
Far be it from me to criticize your housekeeping, Mom, but my friends here could use a bit of dusting.
Caturday is a great day to practice healthy habits such as yoga. However, as reader Sally G. demonstrates, your cat may have other plans:
Here are two photos I took showing how my cat Mohair Sam makes a big impression on my yoga practice.
What better way to start your Caturday than by rubbing a fluffeh kitteh belleh?