Today’s weather forecast calls for fluffy angry clouds, as The Girl With the Dogs grooms a big boi who eats all her snacks and talks up a storm.
Today’s weather forecast calls for fluffy angry clouds, as The Girl With the Dogs grooms a big boi who eats all her snacks and talks up a storm.
The Girl with the Dogs takes on a pair of beautiful long-haired cat sisters. The first one is chill — until it’s time to dry off. (See the sassy second sister on YouTube)
The Girl with the Dogs puts her own six dogs (or “one dog and five little gremlins” as one commenter put it) to the taste test to see which foods they’ll eat. Among the surprising results: Dogs like chicken, don’t like celery, and at least one dog doesn’t understand how food works.
The Girl With the Dogs dons a mask and mosquito net as she whips up an epic furnado from a floofy old fellow who likes to fling in the bathtub.