Puppy Le Pew

This video of dog and skunk at play is heaven scent

At the home of Oreo and Friends there’s plenty of room for the animals to aroma ’round in, and so we find Boodle the skunk and Teddy the dog reeking, er, wreaking havoc in the living room in a fragrant — sorry, flagrant — display of interspecies fun. They might not be natural playmates in the wild, but these two wouldn’t have it any odor way.

via Murray C., who nose cuteness.

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9 thoughts on “Puppy Le Pew

  1. Alice Shortcake October 14, 2019 / 5:18 pm

    There’s so much going on here – not just the skunk/pup wrestling match, but the fleeting guest appearance by a fennec fox and another small dog happily chewing the decorative rattan balls…

  2. Lucy's Mom October 14, 2019 / 5:29 pm

    Oh man, I wanna live in *that* house! I’m guessing there’s never a dull moment and the best possible kind of entertainment. And I loved the cameo appearance by the fennec fox!

  3. AJ October 14, 2019 / 5:43 pm

    Uhh Mike, I usually don’t complain but uhmmm, this is re-run of a post from 8 months ago and had exactly the same headline. Again not complaining, always glad to see something this cute but I thought I was losing it a little. When watching it, I just had such a sense of deja-vue, then the previous post popped up in the You Might Also Enjoy section.

    Loved puppy #2 with the Lady & the Tramp haircut. The way s/he looks at the camera like “Can you believe this is going on?? Like really?? Would you just do something about it.”

    • allein 🐾 October 14, 2019 / 6:42 pm

      Hehe…I knew we’d seen it before and I just opened the page and saw the You May Also Enjoy link. I have no problem with this.

    • dubravkamcvmd October 14, 2019 / 7:24 pm

      An advantage of onrushing dementia is what’s old is new. No recollection of having seen this before. Love the fennec fox. What a wonderful household.

      • Lucy's Mom October 15, 2019 / 9:39 am

        Welcome to the club. 😁

  4. birdlady26 October 14, 2019 / 8:00 pm

    Some reruns are fun to see again.

  5. Debg October 14, 2019 / 9:31 pm

    Still cute. I still want to play with all of them.

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