Notes: The progression of subject’s boxaholism is worsening, causing subject to crave boxes even while walking, so that he looks like Catbus. Increasing tendency towards “meta” behavior; i.e. getting in boxes inside other boxes. Recommendation: more boxes.
Referred as always by specialist Andrew Y.
Little inappropriate with the buttocks there, Maru, don’t you think?
This is just another example of how boxaholism lowers inhibitions, resulting in total moral breakdown in society. Tsk-tsk.
I think he needs a privacy hamster or – SOMETHING – QUICK!
Maru needs to learn ‘Privacy Tailio’.
I’m glad to see that phrase again!
Always more boxes >:3 <3
I think Mugumogu brought this on herself–remember how she would encourage Maru to slide through drinks boxes when he was little(ish)? She also cuts out holes so Maru can wear boxes.
Was I the only one who wanted to see somebody slide down that slide?
I think this is a cinematic breakthrough for Mugumogu and an artistic/emotional one for Maru. The simultaneous manipulation of two boxes adds a whole new level of complex meaning etc. etc To Cannes next year!
It’s unfortunate that Bergman is no longer around to direct Maru.
Can anyone really direct a cat?
Another layer of complexity!
and Sundance!
You weren’t alone DebG. I was hoping Hana would use the slide. Perhaps the slide was just a cinematic metaphor.
A metaphor for…..? “It’s all downhill from here?” Ummm, “the eternal question; head first or feet first?” Le’ssee, “This whole ruddy house is a playground for cats and how does it stay so CLEAN!!?”
I don’t know why, but for some reason I was expecting that when Maru was walking in the box, his front feet would be pointed towards each other like the bulldog Spike.
Maru is the only cat I know who can walk around calmly with a box stuck on him. Heck he didn’t even mind much having a bag stuck on his head, remember this one?
My girl would absolute freak out. She’s still afraid of plastic bags from an incident that happened years ago. She’s also afraid of balloons, and our best guess is that it’s because from her perspective they look like bags floating in the air.
I remember that one! I was amazed that he could walk around so nonchalantly, as if everything was normal.
Well, for Maru, it is normal..
The mew normal.
Never has there been a sillier cat.
Is not the actual living room really just a large box? Thusly adding 1 to any box count.
The cinematic metaphor of life as one tail thwapping dismal traipsing from one confining box to another with sleep being our only escape. Movie Title: Waiting For MaruGodot.
Hee, Hee. Deep.
Shouldn’t we have a Philosopher of the Week badge? I propose we have one, with Faye as the First Honoree. 😀
More like an Existential Blather Certificate. Lol. But thank you Clairdelune. I had fun.
I second that e-motion!
I wish I could relax as well as Maru.
“Bow-chicka-bow-bow” there with that spread and the butt, Maru….
Dirty minded me of course laughed out loud at this. 😀