In Babe III, the latest sequel to the heartwarming family film, the plucky little pig who once wanted to be a sheepdog suffers a full-blown identity crisis and now insists he is a dairy cow named “Daisy.”
Hollywood’s really milking this premise for all it’s worth, Sharon H.
Starbucks’ latest option for customizing your drink: Pig milk.
Caramel Moochiato, anyone?
Wait…I’m confused.
Pig, cow, and singing mice all in one. BLUE MOOOOON YOU’RE ALWA-
I actually posted “Bah, ram, moo!” and then went back and saw the hovertext. *face-palm* I should’ve known Mike wouldn’t pass that up!!
Great minds think alike! 😀 😀 😀
Not a porcine expert, but isn’t that a wide snout for a domestic pig? Almost warthog-like.
I think that may actually be a warthog. It sure is cute, whatever it is.
So they could make a Babe and Lion King mashup movie!
I think you’re right. Check out the sides of his snout, it’s got that extra ripple/wattle/whatever that make him look like Elvis with a sneer.
I think it’s just the angle of the photo or the type of lens they used, because the size of his head seem disproportionate to the size of his rear end.
“I’m a poodle! A poodle!” 😀
I am giggling on the treadmill…
In German, one expression for “multi-tasker” is “eierlegende Wollmilchsau” – which means an “egg laying pig that also provides milk and wool.” – Yep, this picture pretty much sums that up!