In this impersonal era, Valentine’s Day is more important than ever, because it affords us the opportunity to project our most polished, romantic selves to those we love most. In the first example, a caring lover offers a single rose (thornless, of course) in a rich, romantic setting.
The less graceful suitor, however, betrays thoughtlessness by offering up a cheap dandelion dug up at the last minute from among the backyard weeds.
Along with a sly wink.
The wink says it all.
I’d cuddle either of them, TBH. I’m lonely.
Me, too.
I am not a beauty, just an average looking monster, so the first dog is unfortunately not looking for me.
To the second dog:
Yes babe, I “wanna”
Would pet both, one with each hand. Does that make me a…hound-dog?
I think it makes you a hound-hog! Quite hogging the hounds!
My partner Mike beat them both: a big jar of bittersweet chocolate kisses.
Both these puppers have stolen my heart. Good job!