For countless days and nights he searched, from town to village, from peak to valley, atop his faithful steed CagneleΓ±a until at last he caught up with the villain who had head-butted his wife and child. And that is how Don Mono Jinete de Salamanca became known as… The Fringed Avenger!

monkey rides dog
Prepare your butt, butt-head!

Submitterated by Sharon H.

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18 thoughts on “RAMMING SPEED!!!

  1. Lucy's Mom July 4, 2019 / 9:00 am

    That isn’t a real monkey, is it? I’m very confuzzled. 😁

    Happy 4th of July to my fellow countrymen! Everybody stay safe. It’s apt to be a difficult day for some of our pets so extra cuddles will definitely be in order. πŸ’•

    • AJ July 4, 2019 / 9:06 am

      Happy 4th too and thanks Lucy’s Mom for the reminder about pets and fireworks. My local shelter has cleared out a lot of animals to foster homes just to accommodate all the lost pets that will be coming in over the next few days. Also, please remember your neighbor might be a vet or refugee or someone else with PTSD and they’re not very fond of fireworks either. Let’s stick to letting the pros do the firework shows and not light them off in our neighborhood.

  2. AJ July 4, 2019 / 9:00 am

    I’m with you Dubravkamcvmd, WTH???? Just wow, mouth agape WTH.

    But anyhoo, great story that Mike came up with to go with the pic.

    Off Topic – how do insert a pic into comments now??

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike July 4, 2019 / 9:38 am

      We don’t have the ability to upload photos into comments anymore , but you can insert any image you find online by copying its URL (address) and pasting it into a blank line in your comment.

      To get the URL of an image, you can right-click it and select “Copy image address” (or words to that effect). Then press CTRL+V to paste the URL into your comment.

      • debg July 4, 2019 / 9:46 am

        Can we still send you photos to post? The ones I want to share aren’t online.

  3. debg July 4, 2019 / 9:46 am

    It’s not baby monkey riding on a pig, but it’ll do.

    • Gigi_the cat lady July 4, 2019 / 10:32 am

      You had to mention it so I had to post it LOL!!

    • Lucy's Mom July 4, 2019 / 10:52 am

      One of my all-time favorite videos!! 😍

  4. debg July 4, 2019 / 9:47 am

    My name is Don Mono Jinete de Salamanca. You butted my family. Prepare to die.

    • fkaWaldenPond July 4, 2019 / 10:00 am


      • Dulcie July 4, 2019 / 8:10 pm


        • fkaWaldenPond July 4, 2019 / 8:55 pm

          Ram is all “Stop saying that!”

    • AJ July 4, 2019 / 7:55 pm

      Exactly what I was gonna post a picture of but due to technical issues beyond my control, I couldn’t figure out how to do it. Thanks! And oh, we do need this picture:

  5. allein 🐾 July 4, 2019 / 12:22 pm


  6. allein 🐾 July 4, 2019 / 12:29 pm

    Speaking of Avengers…I just bought my ticket to the Marvel exhibit at the Franklin Institute for Sunday. Honestly not particularly interested in Marvel, but I haven’t seen my friends in a while so what the heck. Unfortunately I also feel like I’m coming down with a cold or something, stuffy head and scratchy throat, and I feel kinda warm (but I don’t actually have a fever). So hopefully I’m better by then.

  7. Sumo-Mermaid July 5, 2019 / 11:42 am

    The face on that monkey looks like a little old angry man.

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