Links: Adopt Me, You Will

Yoda-eared cat, stick library for dogs, funny-faced cat, and Ricasso, the dog artist. Plus more.

And finally: Don’t Look at It, Don’t Look at It…

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23 thoughts on “Links: Adopt Me, You Will

  1. JenDeyan December 26, 2019 / 9:13 am

    I’m showing the article about The Boys and Stevie Ticks to my niece and nephews. My niece recently told me her best friend’s family had fostered a kitten for a while before sending the darling to a forever home.

    I, of course, immediately chastised her for not informing me immediately that anyone she knew had a kitten and asked her to let me know the next time they foster so that I might ask her friend’s parents if I could come and play with the next kitten they foster.

    She rejected me and told me it was ‘weird’ that I would even suggest that. So I asked my nephews who also agreed that it was ‘weird’ that I would want to go to someone’s house and play with a pet.

    So now I have proof that it’s not weird and people all over the world who can’t have a pet might want to ask a kind neighbor for a friendly visit.

    • Debg December 26, 2019 / 9:25 am

      I don’t think it’s weird. I remember the names of neighborhood pets better than I remember the names of their hoomins. My backyard neighbor’s huskie mix Luna gets lots of love from me.

      Your niece is the weird one. My $.02 worth.

      • JenDeyan December 26, 2019 / 10:10 am

        They know not of teh Qte.

    • Rachael Polachek December 26, 2019 / 11:07 am

      Huh?? What on earth is weird about wanting to play with someone’s pet? Case in point, the Steve Ticks story – what a nice bunch of guys!

      Blep Yoda kitty has killed me ded. ❤ But the funniest thing is the video – “If I don’t look, it can’t see me.” 😁

      • Dulcie December 26, 2019 / 11:55 am

        Omg that is just NOT weird. Don’t even know how it would cross someone’s mind. Everyone wants to play with people’s pets! If you can’t have one of your own, its the next best thing. And it is SO important to spread the joy that animals can bring!! Pets are taken to institutions to help people feel better!! Okay okay I realize I am beginning to ramble! Short answer is…NO IT IS NOT WEIRD!!

      • dubravkamcvmd December 26, 2019 / 12:17 pm

        The cat refusing to look at the scary thing is so great – I visited my sister over Christmas and her 16 1/2 lb bruiser deals with LOTS of things that way. When he gets up on the dining table he will not look you in the eye. If he doesn’t see you, you don’t see him! He can do anything he wants using this approach.

      • allein 🐾 December 26, 2019 / 12:44 pm

        We went to my cousin’s for Christmas dinner last night and I got to meet his daughter’s cats, Chloe and Joey. They live in the basement because he’s pretty highly allergic. But they were his ex-wife’s and she passed away a couple years ago; his daughter took them to her apartment at school, but she has since graduated and moved back home and he’s not going to make her give them up.

        Joey is a short-hair tabby and Chloe is a long-hair Calico. She had to be shaved recently because her fur was getting matted; petting a shaved cat is weird (but in a good way). But she loves being petted, even rolled over for me to pet her belly – and it wasn’t a trap! They’re both big, lazy cats (I went down there three or four times over the course of the night and they didn’t move from the couch at all) and very sweet.

      • Dulcie December 26, 2019 / 1:45 pm

        Hee hee ayup Mike!! 😂 Forget the boring/nasty relatives.

    • Emsthemonster December 26, 2019 / 2:41 pm

      When I was a teenager, we had a Hungarian Vizsla and quite a few people of the neighbourhood wanted to play with him. He had infinite energy so it really took half a village to get him tired 🙂

  2. Debg December 26, 2019 / 9:27 am

    I share the cat’s feelings about the dancing tree. If you’ve ever been stuck in, say, a car dealer’s waiting room for a few hours when they’ve got holiday music playing, you come to hate that song.

  3. AB December 26, 2019 / 10:09 am

    Hard no on the Yoda cat. Think about it– a force-weilding kitty could knock every item off of every horizontal surface in your house without having to lift a whisker!

  4. Laura December 26, 2019 / 12:09 pm

    What on earth is weird about playing with the pet next door if you can’t have one yourself? Absolutely nothing, in my book. Heck, when I was in high school many, many years ago, the neighbors next door had a wonderful dog, Snowy. They claimed she was a spotless Dalmatian. 😀 She was very silly and loved everyone, and since my father refused to let us have a dog (although we did have a wonderful cat, Princess), so I would often go play with Snowy out in the big field behind our houses. And she ADORED the mailman — to the point where he asked to take her if for some reason they had to give her up! Snowy hs been gone for many, many years now, I know, but I can picture her as clear as ever in my mind. Great pets stay with us forever!

    • birdlady26 December 26, 2019 / 8:22 pm

      Played with the pet at the town transfer station this morning. Had to give that doggy some head scritching lovings before I could even get to the bin where I needed to drop off the paper recyclables. It’s why I go on Thursdays, because this guy that works there always brings his dog on Thursdays. You just have to be ok with being jumped on with muddy paws.

      • allein 🐾 December 26, 2019 / 8:27 pm

        I would just be sure to wear old clothes. I need to find some doggies around town to play with.

  5. Debg December 26, 2019 / 3:14 pm

    Stevie Ticks and her boyfriends are outta sight. Manggo cat has killt me ded. I too love baby Yoda kitty.

  6. AJ December 26, 2019 / 4:37 pm

    Re:playing with neighbor’s pets and relatives who think that’s weird. 1) Heck with the relatives, they’re the ones that are strange. 2) I know 90% of the pets in my neighborhood and say hi to all of them. I see most of them on my way to and from work so it makes for a fun walk. Also, when I have a pet, I share the love with one and all who want to say hi . 3) Since my mom was allergic to all pets and I couldn’t have any, I used to help one of my neighbors with her pets, mainly dogs but she also had rescue birds and ducks. I even took some of the baby birds to school since they needed to be fed every 2 hours.

    I swear I like animals sometimes better than humans (except for my fellow Cutetropolians).

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