Now You Seafood, Now You Don’t

And for my next mystical feat of prestidigitation, I shall perform an illusion taught to me by the Ancient Mariners. I shall first require some tuna from the audience — yes, thank you, madam — which I shall briefly hide behind this cloth. I shall then utter the magic words — ominus nominus! — and behold!

Cat raises sheet of tissue paper
The tuna is (burp!) gone! (Reddit)
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8 thoughts on “Now You Seafood, Now You Don’t

  1. allein November 5, 2020 / 2:20 pm

    Wasn’t sure whether to expect a baseball joke or something about an albatross….guess I was wrong either way.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom November 5, 2020 / 3:04 pm

      I remember when the Mariners were an expansion team. So now they’re ancient? I shudder to think what that makes me. 😉

      • N. Fritz November 6, 2020 / 4:26 am

        Absolutely, Ricky & Bibi’s Mom. I still think of the all those expansion teams as total rookies.

  2. AJ November 5, 2020 / 2:42 pm

    Perfect timing on the shot. And I’ll gladly give up my tuna for this little guy.

  3. Ricky & Bibi's Mom November 5, 2020 / 3:03 pm


    • dubravkamcvmd November 5, 2020 / 3:21 pm

      Utter – in every way!

  4. Catwhisperer November 5, 2020 / 4:56 pm

    ominus nominus 😀

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