In The Shawshank Redemption, prisoner Andy Dufresne crawls through a sewer pipe to freedom, but that’s nothing compared to what this hamster goes through to escape from a maximum-security prison with traps around every corner. Can the cutest con ever get out alive?
15 thoughts on “Hamster Prison Break!”
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When he fought to get through the web I was afraid he would pull a ham-string.
That made me giggle. ^_^
Based on the novella by Stephen King, Rita Hamworth and Pawshank Redemption
Hammy Dufresne: “It’s funny. On the outside, I was an honest ham. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a cute.”
What a wonderful (and cute) way to keep a hamster’s mind engaged. It would be boring sitting in a cage no matter how many toys you had.
So creative and funny! Impressive execution. And, hammie has a very beautiful coat.
My husband came over to see what I was doing because I was so invested in the little whammies escape that I was encouraging him out loud. He stayed to watch the end of the video with me.
This hamster leads a far more interesting (and adorable) life than I do.
Riveting. I was on the edge of my seat. I wish I understood Hamster because the hamster had a lot to say.
Me too!!! It was captivating! And the squeak noises!
This is one freakin’ aMAZEing hamster. Blows my mind.
And really…I would give a lot to find out what he’s saying!! Hamster GPS? Calculating coordinates?? Focus mantras?? What!!??
I was so relieved that he didn’t have to spend years helping the corrupt warden to do his taxes…
Alice, maybe he had been doing the taxes and that’s how he got the trick toilet 🤔.
The time it would take to do this…! 😮 Hammie deserves to escape, he is way too cute to be behind bars. I really thought he was trapped when the cage dropped on him! Very smart hammie.😉
(By the way, the squeek sounds are dubbed in. The only time a hamster like this makes that noise is in a “fight” with another hammie. But it is cute!)
When he fell through the “trap door”, I gasped out loud.
I did too! His climb out was epic.