Links: You Don’t Want to Tee Them Off

Kangaroo course, adoption stories, rock art, and parrot lullaby, plus more

And finally: Polly Want a Lullaby

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9 thoughts on “Links: You Don’t Want to Tee Them Off

  1. allein 🐾 November 2, 2021 / 8:41 am

    Now that’s my kinda pet rock!

  2. Georgiana November 2, 2021 / 9:16 am

    You can keep your crackers, Polly wants a lullaby.
    The little girl looks both proud of herself and totally amazed that she sang the parrot to sleep.

  3. DEBG November 2, 2021 / 9:29 am

    Can’t wait to dive into linkies today! The golfer looks so delighted with the kangas. And oooh the sleepy parrot.

  4. AJ November 2, 2021 / 9:39 am

    Kangaroos remind me of a flash mob, they all got an invite via text that said to show up at x time at the golf course. Rescue pics gave me the warm fuzzies. I follow Ake the artist on FB, I want one of her creations but they get snapped up literally within minutes. Maybe one day I’ll be lucky. Sleepy macaw is so loved and so trusting, little girl is adorable.

  5. Blue Footed Booby November 2, 2021 / 10:51 am

    Anyone else here snorgling the Vote Stoat today?

    • allein 🐾 November 2, 2021 / 11:09 am

      Going after work. (I did not get my mail ballot request out in time.)

      Today’s WeRateDogs calendar page has a pupnamed Penny telling me to vote.
      Behind her is a campaign sign for “Any Functioning Adult 2021”

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom November 2, 2021 / 3:22 pm

        Even better would be an incorruptible functioning adult. I’m not holding my breath.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom November 2, 2021 / 3:21 pm

      Yup, just came back from stoating—er, I mean voting.

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