Weekend Open Thread

It’s the weekend, and time to stretch out and relax. And to inspire you, here’s Hamster going full Michelangelo with reader Tracy R. “I’m not saying Hamster is God or anything,” she insists, but “he does enjoy stretchies.”

Cat stretches out in front of tablet computer and touches human finger with its paw
I confer blessings upon thee…
Cat resumes watching tablet computer.
Now back to binge watching.
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21 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ December 17, 2022 / 8:53 am

    Oooh me first me first! Hamster is so handsome as usual, and of course he’s a god. He is a cat after all.

    Eventful week here. Last Sat, had our car club holiday get together and a good time was had by all. Discovered our 1/2 acre yard can park about 20 cars and still have room. Plus our hot tub will fit about 6 people. Good to know for the next party. Sunday ended up cold and rainy so got the party in just before the bad weather. Then because of said crappy weather, we ended up in a car accident. Light went red as we approached the intersection, applied brakes and slid into another car turning left. We’re okay, just some bruises and body aches (thank goodness for seat belts and airbags) but it looks like our new car is totaled. At least it wasn’t hubby’s show Mustang. So now have the joy of dealing with car insurance and finance company. Had work holiday party on Wed, not too bad but like a lot of people from yesterday, can only handle about an hour or so before I do peace, I’m outta here. And yesterday my newest grand niece was born and being a total little diva, made a spectacular entrance. She couldn’t wait and came into the world when there were no doctors or nurses in the room. Plus she took such a large gulp of air, she somehow someway opened a hole in her lung and swallowed some meconium. Mom and baby were then rushed off to the big city hospital’s NICU, about a 1/2 hour away. Latest news is she’s doing better and should be released in a day or 2. Whew, I think I’m just going to take it easy this weekend. Hope everyone has a lovely pre-Christmas weekend. And Happy Hanukkah tomorrow to anyone who celebrates.

    • fkawaldenPond December 18, 2022 / 12:30 am

      Damn AJ, a car accident SUCKS.

    • Dubravkamcvmd December 18, 2022 / 4:36 am

      I’m very happy you and your husband are OK.

  2. Georgiana December 17, 2022 / 8:59 am

    Hamster has the right idea, with the weather most of us have been having lately, the only thing to do is stay in bed and binge your favorite shows.

    It’s been a week of medical stuff here, first the husband’s trip to the ER for his kidney stone (p.s. he is fine now) and then we had to take Skye to the vet.

    What happened was that Skye has had a thing on her back for weeks, it looked like a cross between a scab and a wart. When the vet shaved the area to take a closer look it came off and left a little hole in her back. She examined the thing and at first said it looked like the tip of a lead pencil and then she exclaimed :

    “I’ve never seen this in all my years of practice!”

    It turns out it was the microchip the SPCA put in when we adopted her back in July that was slowly making it’s way out of her back! Why she rejected it is a mystery, there’s been no problem with the one in Storm and it was done at the same time.

    Well that was my week, I hope every one has a good weekend!

    • AJ December 17, 2022 / 9:16 am

      Wow, that is unusual about the microchip. Never heard about it working it’s way back out. I wonder if it could be redone or if her body would reject that too. And good to hear hubby’s feeling better. Kidney stones are a literal pain in the rear (and side).

      • Georgiana December 17, 2022 / 11:09 am

        The vet wasn’t sure id doing it again would have the same results and we decided not to because she never goes outside.

  3. Alice Shortcake December 17, 2022 / 10:51 am

    Happy last Saturday before Christmas, all!

    I’m feeling very relieved to have got a lot of post-bereavement stuff out of the way – death registration, stopping pensions, arranging for items to be collected by charities and house cleaners, etc.

    On Monday I’ll be off to Haworth for a four-night stay, during which time I’ve arranged to view three houses. Although I can’t put my own house on the market until the new year (and expect a quick sale as my neighbourhood is popular with first time buyers and investors) I’m in the happy position of being able to offer a sizeable down-payment. Fingers crossed, by next Friday I should know my new address.

    Due to a booking mishap I had to find alternative lodgings for the last night, so I chose a pub called The Fleece. I was trying to think why the name rang a bell when I suddenly remembered that a relative of mine and her husband ran the place in the 1920s!

    • Georgiana December 17, 2022 / 11:06 am

      Good luck on search for a new house!

    • DEBG December 17, 2022 / 12:19 pm

      You’ve been in my thoughts ever since your news last weekend. Best of luck in your house hunt!

    • AJ December 17, 2022 / 8:14 pm

      Good luck with the home hunt, can’t wait to hear all about the new shortcakery. And what an amazing coincidence to be staying at a place that was run by relatives.

  4. Duckie 🐥 December 17, 2022 / 12:01 pm

    It’s the weekend! Finally!
    Peeps, I’m extremely vexed about something really petty, but I’m going to say it out loud and get it off my chest, and then maybe I’ll feel better. Last week, the boss put up a form for everyone to sign, saying which place we’d like a gift card from for Christmas. Hubby and I both requested grocery store cards, and so did several others. The boss looked the list over, and decided that, since the biggest group (30%) had requested A&W cards, EVERYONE would get A&W cards!
    I don’t even like A&W! The least he could have done was get everyone a shopping centre gift card, if he wanted convenience. That way, we could at least have saved them until the new pharmacy opens. I’m sorry, I know it’s petty, but I’m seriously tempted to give it back to him.
    Okay, I’m done.
    New washer is here. Boy, that sucker can take big loads!
    Have discovered that Duckie loves corn chips. So much so, that she will fly to my arm to nibble on one. Mike has a picture of her, and she is so pretty!
    Gave notice at job. Last day is 27th. HUGE relief. Hubby and I have informed everyone that we are turning off all phones on the 28th, and spending the day in seclusion with each other, so no one is to bug us. We need to spend time with each other.
    Older sister hosting family Christmas supper next Sunday, so no effort required on my part. Hubby having lunch that day with his dad. I’ll be napping until he’s back. I’m still doing a turkey, just for us, so we can have leftovers. Mmmm, turkey sandwiches…
    It was supposed to snow last night, but it didn’t (yay), and now it’s above freezing all next week. No white Christmas, but no shoveling, either.
    Hamster, you are welcome to bless us with your presence in our home, if you want to visit.
    AJ, hope you’re recovering from the accident. Hopefully, you’ll get thing sorted soon.
    Alice, grateful to hear that you are doing okay. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Off to do dishes, and then bake sugar cookies. I bake two batches of each kind of cookie. The first one is done while hubby’s at work, so I can put them in the freezer for later. Then, when he comes home, I’m doing the second batch, and he thinks that all.
    Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.

    • Duckie 🐥 December 17, 2022 / 12:11 pm

      PS Duckie is officially cut off from corn chips. Just opened the cover of her cage, and dear Heaven, there are cowpies everywhere! She’s ok, but I’m gonna have to be strict about this treat. No more corn anything for her.

      • Dulcie December 17, 2022 / 1:12 pm

        I know it is not a crisis level peeve Duckie. But damn, it is such a stupifying way to “gift” employees!! Crass and thoughtless!!

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom December 17, 2022 / 2:33 pm

      I worked at one place for quite a few years, and every time the winter holidays came around, everyone got a large box of cheese. Quite a few kinds of cheese, and always one really large one, but still. Cheese. I wonder what lactose-intolerant employees did with it.

      Sorry to hear about Duckie’s delayed reaction to the corn chips.

      Your idea to turn off the phones on the 28th is brilliant, and Bibi and I salute you for it!

  5. DEBG December 17, 2022 / 12:17 pm

    Hamster is of course a god. And very good at it. Not to mention handsome.

    Sounds like everybody has been very busy at difficult things this week. Hugs to you all. I
    hope for quick healing, happy house hunting, and congrats to jobs ending!

    My holiday work parties are actually fun, because we’re a small company (50 folks max, and we’re short-staffed). We also do things like weaving and spinning at them–I taught a few folks how to spin on Thursday.

    Friday was a day off for me so we could have the vet come over. Given our experiences last time, he’d given me sedatives for Scorpius and Fred. All the boys had to fast so I could dope food for Scorp and Fred. That was not pleasant. I was mildly worried that I’d be eaten during the night, plus cats can bring on the guilt in their reproachful looks. In the morning, George and Sevi went to one room, where they happily gobbled down (undoctored) food. Lavender was in her bathroom. I finally scooched Scorp and Fred into the main bath and offered their fave foods. No dice. They utterly rejected the food. At least they couldn’t hide under the bed, so we did all right.

    Lavender is very healthy, the vet said–just as I’d expected. Mike has a photo of her, which I hope gets posted soon. She’s sitting on my lap as I type.

    Hugs again. So many little things follow car accidents, bereavements, hospital stays, and job changes. I hope you’re all taking care of yourselves.

  6. allein🐾 December 17, 2022 / 12:22 pm

    Happy Caturday. Even god needs his stories.

    My parents were having my aunt and uncle over for dinner today but my mom just texted to say my uncle was having knee issues so they aren’t coming. She didn’t say if that meant dinner was canceled or not…

    AJ, sorry about your car but glad no one was badly hurt.
    Georgianna, glad hubby is doing better. How weird about Skye’s microchip.
    Alice, good luck with the home search.

    I am also vexed by something petty. My company used to give an engraved crystal book-shaped thing to people for their 20th anniversary. Mine was last October, and they finally did a thing for service awards over the summer. There were several 20-year people and one 30. We all basically got a fancy piece of paper. They had stopped doing 5-10-15 year pins a couple years ago so I assumed they had stopped doing those, too. But in the last week I’ve seen two store people post pictures of their crystal books in the facebook group. So where’s mine?

    I am having some trouble lately. I have an appointment with the specialist for my thyroid on January 13th, but in the meantime I keep having random symptoms that could be related, could just be anxiety, could be something else entirely. So I was debating if I should try to get in with my regular doctor again or wait until I see the specialist. Of course I can’t call them until Monday.

    • Dulcie December 17, 2022 / 1:10 pm

      Random symptoms are thoroughly annoying. Hope it gets worked out. Take care Allein. 💕

      • allein🐾 December 17, 2022 / 1:20 pm

        And they’re mostly in my mouth/throat area…feels like a lump in my throat, random sorta-numbness in my lip, earlier this week my lower lip got a twitch (kind of like an eyelid twitch but on the outer edge of my lip). It freaks me out and makes me afraid to eat sometimes because I feel like I can’t swallow (even though I can).

        • DEBG December 17, 2022 / 1:47 pm

          If it were me, I’d try to get into the regular doctor early next week. Peace of mind is a valuable commodity.

    • fkawaldenPond December 18, 2022 / 12:27 am

      Heya Allein, it could very well be mind stuff and anxiety re the thyroid and diagnosis stress issues. I absolutely relate.

      So perhaps you are stewing about thyroid, neck area where they are located, tension may manifest there. Regardless, I encourage you to see your family doctor, as I am hoping they can feel out the neck area and assuage the for jan 13th.

      I have had to be on thyroid medication for about 15 years now. I always get confused over hypo and the other– but I have the one that makes me feel super low and depressed –yet anxious? (mother fucker brew of all feelings) and I gain bloat and weight. The feeling is beyond shitty.

      I have been on synthroid, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, with lots of water; I stretch and it is pretty good.

      You’ve got my fb deets, please don’t hesitate to message me if you feel it.

      • allein🐾 December 18, 2022 / 9:10 am

        Thank you 🙂

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