It’s Caturday, and reader Georgiana Y. treats us to a return visit from Minnie and Storm.
We lower the temperature at night so Minnie’s favourite place in the morning is under the cat tree next to the warm air vent.

Storm is waiting for a belly rub and she will stay like that as long as it takes.

Well, that IS the best way to get a belly rub. Kinda hard to ignore😉 I have lots if time on my hands…hint, hint.
My bun will lay his head down on the floor…and wait!
And although I like it cool (55 degrees at night during the winter) I sit next to the heat vent as soon as I get up,
to warm my toes!
I’m envious, as I’ve never had a cat that encouraged or even tolerated belly rubs.
It’s been a busy week at the Shortcakery as I’ve been cleaning, polishing, and washing the entire ground floor in preparation for the arrival of some new furniture, not to mention wrestling a rocking chair up a narrow staircase into my bedroom as there won’t be room for it in the living room.
Storm really loves belly rubs, she’ll stay on her back has long while I rub her belly but
Skye is too playful, she offers her belly to be rubbed for a minute but then the bunny kicks stars and that’s all she wrote. As for Minnie she’s not really a fan of them.
I had a weird episode this week, I thought I had caught my first cold in 3 years because my nose started running non stop all day on Tuesday, I used a almost 2 whole box of tissues but when I got up on Wednesday everything was back to normal no sign of a cold. Like I said weird.
I hope everyone has a good weekend!
At least you’re not dripping anymore. Glad you’re feeling better.
Such cuties! And I have 2 free hands to give lots of belly rubs. My heat vents are in the ceiling so my two like to curl up in the chair that’s under one first thing in the morning to warm up.
I’ve got good news to share – hubby is finally back to work!!! He completed his first week yesterday. And the funny thing is, it’s the same company that laid him off but in a different division. I know, life is strange but I’ll roll with it. A few of the higher ups who know how he works recommended him for the position but I also think there was some behind the scenes directives of you were idiots to let him go so find him a spot somewhere and get him back, we don’t want him going to a competitor. Plus he ended up with close to a $10,000 pay raise. The powers that be figured if he stayed, he’d get his annual raise and then threw some extra on top of that. Ahh so nice to be wanted.
The rain has finally stopped and the sun is shining this morning so hopefully we’ll dry out a little before the next storms roll in. Off to breakfast, then a haircut. I cannot wait to get this mop under control. Later, running a few errands and library stops. You know you’re a die-hard reader when you have cards for both the city and county library systems, lol. I’ve found that sometimes one will have the book I want when the other doesn’t so I have two different reserve lists going. Happy weekend everyone!
Congrats on your husband’s job and extra $$$. That’s fantastic news and must be a big relief to both of you!
So glad your husband got a job! And more pay!🌟💵😊
Just read this and thought I’d share. I’m so glad the Government finally acted, I don’t know how many petition I’ve signed over the years about this.
The Regulation respecting the welfare and safety of domestic companion animals and equines, which comes into force this Saturday, aims to ban four surgeries that were previously permitted but strongly discouraged by the Quebec Order of Veterinarians (OMVQ): feline declawing, ear trimming, tail trimming and vocal cord removal.
Excellent. I didn’t even know vocal cord removal was a thing.
All right!!👍🏼 Woo hoo!👏🏼 Yay for 🐶🐱!
ALL of those surgeries are obnoxious! Especially declawing and vocal cord removal😫 I have seen dogs with no vocal cords and it is just so SAD. They still try to howl or bark and nothing comes out.
And declawing actually takes the claw AND first section of toe bone. Like a human having their fingers cut to the first knuckle! Makes me feel like throwing up.🤢
People who want to do these things should NEVER have pets!!
Hello, All,
I have been conspicuously silent for quite a while now and I have some time to relate my tale of woe as to why.
I believe I had told you that my husband has Parkinson’s. Last July he got to the point that he could no longer negotiate stairs so I emptied out a room on our first floor, had the bathroom re-jiggered to include a zero-entry shower. I invoked his Friends Long Term Care policy which pays for an aide who was with him from 8am to 4pm 7 days a week. Two weeks ago he developed a fever, I had EMT’s take him to hospital where he tested positive for Covid. How, we really can’t figure, we’d been masking all along, etc., etc. It weakened him to the point of not being able to even stand. He is now in a rehab but is having severe pain from back issues which is hindering his ability to accomplish much insofar as his PT goes. Some meds have been upped, we have at least a glimmer of hope that things will improve. Sadly, we have had to let his aide go since we don’t know if or when she could come back. Not much joy in Mudville.
And so I lurk at Cutetropolis, send in some potential cutenesses, and look at the dear critters and read your comments which provide a palate cleanser for all the miserable things happening around. I appreciate you all, especially Mike who always comes up with the MOST creative ways to interpret animal antics. A big Thanks to you, Keep On Keepin’ On as the song goes.
Aggressive feathered hugs coming your way from Duckieville.
Murray, so sorry about your husband’s situation. It sounds miserable for him and not much better for you. My cats are sending all their purrs and I’m sending big hugs.
Oh Murry C – my heart hurts for you. Lots and lots of hugs. Cutetropolis really is a wonderful salve. Sending healing thoughts for your husband.
Psst – everyone else – I’m not smart enough to post this gif, apparently – can someone do it for me?
Here you go, Tara.
Murray, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope things get better soon.
Thank you Allein
Oh Murray C! I am so sorry to hear this!🥺 I will certainly put you and your husband in my prayers.
Lurking here and bathing in teh qte is probably the best way of relieving tension and worry.
My bunny sends pets and floppy hops!
I’m so sorry for what you are going through.
If good wishes help, you have all of mine. And healing puppy kisses from Bibi.
Sorry to hear the trials you and your family are going through. Even if it’s for a quick cute look, mike’s creative interpretations and other cutetropolians comments, glad that brings smiles to help you get through your day.
Sending hugs and strength to you and yours, Murray C.!
I’m so sorry. Thank you for letting us know. I’m glad Cutetropolis is a comfort It certainly is to me.
Happy Caturday, everybody. Minnie, you choose the right spot to warm your bones–as a kid, I always sat next to the heat registers in my bedroom, waiting to get warm. Storm, I would TOTALLY rub that luscious belleh, and I’d probably blow raspberries on it too if you’d let me.
Folks, I’ve been congratulating myself since yesterday evening. I had a Friday afternoon appointment at the passport office–I’m going to Canada in June–and did my grocery shopping afterwards. It started snowing around 5 pm and we got a few inches, with 4 more expected today! Winter storm watch, I laugh in your face. I don’t have to go ANYWHERE for the rest of the weekend!
Fire in the fireplace. Kitties looking for all-day cuddles. Chores happening in between other tasks like filing taxes, texting family and friends, making a big batch of vegetarian chili in the slow cooker, etc. Then I’ll sit down at the loom, sampling a project for myself. I love cozy laid-back weekends like this.
Hugs to you all.
Where in Canada will you be going?
Niagara on the Lake, for a long weekend, for a family gathering of my bio mom’s husband’s family. Have I mentioned that my family is complicated?!?!?
My two half-brothers, their kids, my deceased half-brother’s ex-wife and kids will hopefully all be there. I haven’t seen some of these relatives for over 9 years, though I’m touch with many of them very frequently.
For some reason, I keep spelling it like Viagra with an N.
I wish my nose would stop running. It’s been at least two weeks. Maybe if I stop putting my face in Nelly’s fur… She tolerates belly rubs until she doesn’t; then the pointy bits come out!
Need to get to the library myself. I have some audio-books waiting. And the Barbie movie!!!
Murray, sending good thoughts your way. I hope things can go more smoothly for you and your husband
Sudden allergies?
Happy Caturday..? I had yesterday off, had an appointment in the morning, got some tea and wandered the bookstore for a bit afterward, stopped at Target for a few things, went home and did nothing productive, took a long nap in the afternoon, then did nothing much for the rest of the night, until I went to bed around 1am. Woke up at 6 when my alarm went off (because I forgot to turn it off), woke up again at 8 when my second alarm went off, laid in bed sort-of-not-exactly-sleeping for a while longer and when I finally got up it was 11:55. I’ll blame the fact that I’m still getting over my cold but that’s just an excuse.
On top of that, I have a pain in the roof of my mouth, right where the palate starts to slope upward, and I have no idea why. Feels like a bruise but I can’t think of anything hard that I ate the day before that might have done it. Chocolate chip ice cream..? And it makes me anxious which makes it hard to eat so I ate very little yesterday and now it’s 2:11 and I still have had only a few sips of water today.
On a happier note:
Why two dogs can be better than one.
Awwwww! This was really special! Brought tears to my eyes! Thanks Allein!
I saved it on YouTube.😊
Someone’s cutting onions again. Plus Olive is the best big sister ever.