People said it would be easier after graduation, but I’ve got more pressure than ever! Do I take that job at Dad’s factory? Go on to grad school? Just take a year and travel? It’s like everyone’s got an opinion but me!

People said it would be easier after graduation, but I’ve got more pressure than ever! Do I take that job at Dad’s factory? Go on to grad school? Just take a year and travel? It’s like everyone’s got an opinion but me!
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He could play bass in an Irish rock band… (hey, that’s what my cousin Chad does…)
(Here’s to you, Mrs. Doginson.)
Chad looks cutely worried about his future.
That moment when you just realize that it’s now time to ADULT.
Wait, I was supposed to do that after college?!
Thank you for ‘The Graduate’ joke— puppy eyes, here, is being my Mrs. Robinson.
Chad- Just ignore that guy who says “Plastics!” So bad for the environment…