Welcome to the Caturday chat room, Cutetropolitans! Reader N. Fritz brought pizza and a friend to share it with:
Every Friday is Pizza Friday in the Mutz (rhymes with “puts”) household. But there are always leftovers for breakfast the next morning, and this was the boy’s reaction to Pizza Saturday.

Yum! Looks homemade.
It is! Homemade dough, homemade sauce, with salami, onions and mushrooms. Good for what ails ya!
🤣 Oh dear, Mutz is not amused! 🤣
He is not impressed.
Oh, Mutzi, Mutzi, don’t you know that any day with pizza in it is a good day?
I’d make the same puzzled face as Mutz if you gave me pizza for breakfast. N. Fritz’s home made pizza looks yummy and I love pizza but I just couldn’t eat it for breakfast!
We had a couple of days of above freezing temperature this week but it’s back to -14C/7F for the weekend. I can’t wait for nest week because we’re suppose to get the first hint of Spring with temperature of 10C/50F.
Leftover pizza, cold from the fridge, is a classic New York breakfast. Perhaps especially if you’re single. No one to impress! (Except Mutz, I guess.)
YES! I always plan on eating it for break fast next morning.
I love leftover pizza for breakfast!
My mother loved cold pizza for breakfast. Think she always ordered extra for that reason.
Yes, it looks fabulous but I share Mutz’s opinion of Breakfast Pizza (and I’m sure that such a thing probably exists).
Nothing much to report from York, but there’s been a lot of drama in Plymouth where an unexploded WW2 bomb tipping the scales at 500kg has turned up in someone’s garden (“I hit it with my spade!” said the householder). Over 2000 people were evacuated and the bomb will be taken out to sea and detonated. It seems scarcely credible that an almost 80 year old bomb could still be live, but when I visited Belgium a few years ago I remember seeing WW1 shells almost 100 years old laid out next to the fields where they were dug up, ready for collection and disposal.
I did some tidying up in the garden this morning and was gratified to see that the roses and new miniature lilac bush are under the impression that spring has already sprung – it should be a great display this summer!
That bomb situation sounds scary. I’m glad no one was hurt.
It’s ok, Mutz. Pizza for breakfast isn’t that bad.
All is quiet in Duckieville. Little Duckie’s moult is almost over, and she’s coming through not too badly.
My recent flare up is almost finished, too.
Big storm here this weekend, starting this afternoon. Looking forward to staying inside with a pile of books and a mug of tea.
Hubby and I had a brief, thirty second spat this week over who got to use our minuscule kitchen for what. He wanted to do wood burning, I wanted to cook. I let him win, and he set up for his project, then realized that his working in there meant I couldn’t make supper. So he cleaned up and I got started cooking, and he came back and said that maybe it IS time to start looking for a bigger house. Double victory for me.
So much family stuff could happen this year. One nephew moving to Alberta, with a wedding pending. Three high school graduations (I hope). One sister possibly leaving her Schrödinger’s d***ebag husband and moving in with our parents, or parents conceding that they have possible start of Alzheimer’s and moving to safer home. I will be submitting my novel to yet another publisher. Hubby’s job situation is getting interesting, with both employer and union fighting over him. Our finances will possibly be eased almost completely if our old doctor who now lives in Africa is still permitted to sign off on forms for us. Possible move for us.
So much happening.
Off to get groceries before storm starts. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Mutz, I’ll eat your breakfast pizza if you don’t want it! Looks delicious! And you look so handsome, as always.
Today’s plans for a haircut and lunch got disrupted by my stylist’s flu–hopefully she’ll feel better soon. Flu is never fun. I’m not feeling great myself, so now that I’ve completed errands, I can have a quiet day with chores and knitting. And naps. The cats love to nap with me, so everybody wins. Tomorrow features a weaving show nearby, where I’ll see people I used to work with and the former student who helped me get the first job in Colorado.
Hugs to you all.
I share Mutz’s opinion of pizza for breakfast. My parents got a pizza for dinner last night and I went there after not getting out of work until 6:00. The system migration they did last week was so successful that none of my stuff is working properly. 😒 Tomorrow is the start of close week and I am not particularly optimistic that everything will be up to date. Had breakfast with my friend (after having to cancel lunch four weeks in a row because of illness/Girl Scout stuff/injury/snow) so at least that was good.
Things I’ve collected for you over the week…
Latest Ologies podcast: Hydrochoerology (CAPYBARAS)! CAPYBARAS! Blocky faces. Chill vibes. Spa days. Finally. Hydrochoerologist, Dr. Elizabeth Congdon, leads us into the muddy pond of Rodents of Unusual Size, weird feet, pet questions, interspecies snuggles, capybara cafes, natural habitats, escaped capybara, a fossil record that will rock you, and what the Pope thinks of them. An instant classic that you’ll want to enjoy on repeat. Y’all, CAPYBARAS. I repeat: Capybaras.
And this adorable pup.
That IS adorable!
Now I want a cabbage pup! How long do they live?
Cabbage usually lasts a couple weeks if you keep it in the fridge…
I think Mutz’s real issue is the choice of that green stuff instead of anchovies.