Happy Caturday! We have a new, and totally adorable, visitor today, courtesy of reader Karen F.:
This is Yoshi, she admits to being a princess and expects pampering.

Happy Caturday! We have a new, and totally adorable, visitor today, courtesy of reader Karen F.:
This is Yoshi, she admits to being a princess and expects pampering.
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Happy Caturday! Welcome, Yoshi!
I have an eye doctor appointment this morning and dinner for my brother’s birthday later. Then I’m on vacation for the next week.
This guy is hysterical!😂 I watched some of his other vids. The types of dogs one…very accurate😄
His “God creates…” the various breeds are fun, too.
He’s extremely talented and I fall off my chair laughing at every video. This one especially.
He commits to the bit, that’s for sure!
It’s really impressive. And what had me laughing so hard.
The total flop into the water IS true commitment!
Back in the 60s my dog Flossie reacted to her first bath by sprinting through the back yard, over a wall, and into the ramshackle farm behind our house, where she rolled ecstatically in cow manure until she was hauled back home.
Dogs have strange ideas of fun.
Bibi is partial to rolling in dried pigeon poop. I’m just grateful it’s dry.
Enjoy your vacation! I took the day off yesterday and it’s been great, having a long weekend.
OMG, yes!!!
Yoshi looks very regal and should get all the pampering she desire.
Minnie had an appointment last Thursday for her semi-annual blood test to check her hyperthyroidism and at the same time I ordered a refill of her medication. They were supposed to call with the results and to tell me the prescription was ready. I had no news on the Friday or Saturday and they are closed on Sunday so I called on Monday to be told that the prescription is ready and they must have forgotten to call.
Well I was not happy but OK nobody is perfect, so I sent my husband to pick up the pills and when he got home it wasn’t the right dosage. Minnie has been on Felimazole 1.25mg for the last 2 years and they sent 2.5mg instead.
So I called to tell them they made a mistake just to be told that the vet put a note in her file that her results were a little to high and that she changed the dosage without bothering to call me and explain!
Sorry for venting but I’ve been stressed all week, Minnie is still doing fine but I can’t help thinking that it’s not a good sign that they had to double the medication, I know she’s 17 but I’m not ready to say goodbye yet.
I’m sorry for the bad news you got and how you got it. I had thyroid problems for years, levels went up and down, and it all worked out. I don’t know how relevant my experience is to that of an elderly cat, but I’m guessing that Minnie is getting more attention and care than I gave myself.
Georgiana, we must be in sync. I had to take Jacques in this week to check his thyroid levels as well. How inconsiderate that your vet didn’t keep you updated! I hope it’s the right dosage for Minnie and that she continues to be fine. Jacques lost another pound since November bringing my formerly 16lb-er down to 10lbs. He seems fine, but we’ll see what the tests say. sigh. Hugs to your for the stress.
We’re crossing our paws for Jacques too.
DebG – you’re the best! Thanks so much. I stopped by the vet to pick up pills and he had a moment to talk, so I found out the thyroid and renal issues are steady but his white blood cell high. So now in addition to the tyroid pills, he gets two antibiotic pills, twice a day for a week. He will be thrilled with all the extra pill pockets. Let’s hope it clears things up. The vet suspects its a GI problem. We shall see.
Fingers crossed the antibiotic does the job, if it does maybe he’ll gain back a little weigh.
Hugs, Georgiana. We understand your stress. We don’t want to say goodbye to Minnie either. I hope Dubravkamcmd is right and it’s just the normal ups and downs with thyroid conditions.
I’m sorry you’re feeling stressed.
I don’t blame you, I’m not ready to say good bye to my oldlady Donna either
Welcome Yoshi! Aren’t you gorgeous! I love Siamese. My godmother had two, Bilbo and Clancy. Bilbo was very shy, but Clancy was my best buddy.
It’s going to be another beautiful day in Philadelphia. I got my tomato seeds in the mail yesterday so I’m going to get those started today. I also have to stop by the vet and pick up some extra pills for Jacques to get through the week. Then I’ve got to get birthday and easter presents pulled together for my sister and her kids. They’ve got March, April, May birthdays plus Easter and so it saves a little on postage to get everything in one box. Thank goodness for those flat rate boxes!
Happy Weekend All!
“Hark! Do I hear the sound of salmon being sliced with a silver knife and arranged artistically upon a china dish?”
It’s been a busy week for me if going to the theatre counts as being busy. Last Tuesday I went to Sheffield to see Stravinsky’s “The Rake’s Progress” (the libretto was co-authored by W H Auden, who was born in a house just a couple of streets away from the Shortcakery). On Thursday I saw a ballet version of “Romeo and Juliet” at Leeds. Leeds-based company Opera North also announced their Autumn/Winter season, so I have “The Flying Dutchman”, “Ruddigore”, and Britten’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” to look forward to…
I’m glad you’re able to enjoy the theater again! I know you missed it when your dad needed you at home all the time, and during COVID.
It is beautiful and gorgeously sunny here today!☀️☀️☀️ We had horrid rain and lightning and THUNDER on Thursday.⛈️ Very glad I have a roof. Thunder so bad it sent Pretzel under the bed for most of the day! (None of my buns ever been upset by thunder!)
Yoshi gets whatever she wants! She is a beauty. I love Siamese cats.💙
Still thinking about Fennec! Such a wonderful pup!
Welcome, milady! You’re a gorgeous princess and deserve all the pampering we can offer. Karen, is this a new kitty in your household or just one we haven’t met before?
I’ve had a busy few days adulting: checking out a career coach, doing a deep dive into retirement (9 years away) with my planner, and today an oil change for the car. It was good to take the day off yesterday so I could warp my loom and relax, after that intense zoom meeting with my retirement planner. I don’t have any appointments for tomorrow, which will be a nice change!
We had a big snowstorm this past week. It snowed nonstop nearly all day Thursday. But today it will be 50F, and we should hit the high sixties next week. Springtime in the Rockies . . . we usually get another big storm in April, and then we’re on the spring/summer trajectory without any hiccups.
Princess Yoshi, Cutetropolis is honoured by your presence.
Peeps, it has been an absolutely CRAZY week, but more positively than negatively, for once.
Our doctor is going to sign off on hubby’s disability tax credit form, which, if accepted by the CRA, will ease our financial burden significantly.
Hubby’s work situation is going to be changing, one way or another, by summer. Either way is great, it’s just the waiting that is driving me crazy. I may need to go back to doing trays at the mall during that time, but that’s ok. I will be making a difference, no matter which way things go.
Also, it looks like several family issues will be settled by then, too. One of my nephews will be moving to Alberta in April, to be with his fiancée and to take over her town’s outdoor maintenance contract (I’m so proud of him). The rest of his family will be deciding whether to go with him, including his father, for more opportunities, or staying here. I know full well my sister will be staying here and moving in with my parents, to look after them, which means the three children that still live with their parents will need to look after themselves. Their house will be sold, and my sister gets half. No divorce, just permanent separation.
Weather here is so up and down that nobody knows how to feel. We have a good week of late-spring weather coming, and then rain for a week. My poor knees don’t know what to do, but I’m trying to convince them that falling isn’t one of the options.
Plans for my deck garden are moving quickly. I planted some seeds from our last spaghetti squash and they sprouted very quickly. I also planted some chunks removed from sweet potatoes last week, and we’ll see what they do.
Off to do housework and errands. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Congrats on all the good news!
Duckie, I read the words “seeds from our spaghetti” and was instantly reminded of this classic April Fools Day hoax from 1957:
I’ve never seen that! Thank you!
That is hysterical! I’ve never seen it before and the typical authoritative BBC announcer voice over makes it seem totally real.
Folks, if you’re interested, I finally got photos of recent weaving projects.
A tencel scarf in shadow weave for my stepmother:
And a vest for me:
Those are great!
Wish I had a practical hobby. or time reallyfor a hobby.
These are both beautiful! I’m jealous of the vest!😉
Both gorgeous and elegant
Wow those are beautiful, I wish I had any talent whatsoever but sadly I don’t.
oooooh, gorgeous! Yes, I like the vest too! ❤️
On my way to my parents’ house a little bit ago I noticed a business listed on the sign of a little complex I pass. I’m assuming it is pet grooming. It’s called THE DOG SPAW! 🐾
That is such an awesome name!
I just saw something similar here but it was a little school bus (14 seater?) painted pink and called something like Dog Wash and Day Spaw. Very cute.
I looked it up; it’s a Salon & Mobile Dog Grooming.
They also do cats.
Late to the party today. Yoshi is just gorgeous and deserves every bit of spoiling and pampering.
Love reading every ones news today, and yea that it’s mostly good news. Sad face for all the pets going through rough times. My two are just chugging along, same old same old.
Busy day today, started off by calling my BFF from high school and talked for almost 2! hours. Had a lot to catch up on – unbelievably it’s already been a year since her husband passed, and she just retired, which she’s loving. She’s got some travel planned plus her kids live near her so she’s doing pretty good. Did 2 loads of laundry, and put a third one in. So far I’ve cleaned/organized a little, took a load of stuff that I don’t need or use to Goodwill then had a haircut. On the way home, stopped at Walmart for a few things. Now on to folding and putting away laundry, and starting dinner. Chili cornbread casserole is on the menu tonight! Yummy!