Recently, reader AB shared some great news: her Frenchie Rey had puppies! But then it got even better:
Rey recently received the good news that she gets to keep her daughter, Fennec, forever! Fennec and Rey have a classic mother / daughter relationship. There’s some yelling, and sometimes someone gets cronched on, but at the end of the day there is no stronger love!

Rey has socks and eyebrow dots that match the baby!
That Fennec really is the cutest dog😁 Long life and happy playing to both!
They are both too adorable for words! And yippee for them staying together.
I want to hear the yelling!
Sadly I missed Fennec’s epic tirade, but here’s my footage of Rey grumbling
They play rough but would never hurt each other. Rey is an amazing mom!
I’m so happy for everybody, doggies and human!