Six-pack Maru

Maru puts on his best beer box, Hana gets super focused on a cat toy, and Kitten Miri is an angel with a dirty face.

Later, while the others play outside, Maru does what he does best: napping

via Andrew Y.

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4 thoughts on “Six-pack Maru

  1. allein 🐾 September 28, 2024 / 12:05 pm

    I’ll join Maru in a nap…

  2. Andrew September 28, 2024 / 12:32 pm

    “Miri turned on the switch and Maru started up” XD

    • allein 🐾 September 28, 2024 / 12:51 pm

      Vroom, vroom.

    • Dana September 28, 2024 / 12:53 pm

      That was so funny!

      Maru sleepy on the floor is definitely me today.
      Hana looked like she was watching tennis while playing. 😂
      I hope Kitten Miri never stops talking to the birds.

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