I’ve already discovered a slimy toad, a gross bunch of worms, a shiny bottle cap, and a really pointy rock! And it’s not even lunchtime!

I’ve already discovered a slimy toad, a gross bunch of worms, a shiny bottle cap, and a really pointy rock! And it’s not even lunchtime!
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This little face just made my day. I wanna go a’sploring with him! Please!!
I haz a RAWR!
The happy excitement!
My niece, great outdoor explorer, needs this cat!
I have fresh trout and volunteer to provide lunch once this kitten is all tuckered out and ready to cuddle
The happy smile.
Come ‘splor my backyard! I’ve got almost 1/2 an acre with tons of stuff to revel in – trees! gopher holes! dirt piles! and god knows what else. Just stay away from the decks, I don’t want you to get stuck and I have to excavate you.
This picture is from 2016…I wonder what kitty looks like now and if s/he’s still ‘splorin’…
I want to believe in eternal happy kitten a’splorin. I need to believe!
This makes me miss having a kitten around so much, I mean I love my cats but there is nothing as cute as a kitten.
Oh, I dunno. I met a three-month-old puppy today. (A new neighbor! Yay!) I’d say honors are even. 😊
Actually if I’m being honest I think a lot of baby animals are cute.
Kitten perfection.
I had hoped Lavender would be an adventure kitten, but she did not like going outside with me.