Boxbuster Maru

Tremble at the power of mighty Maru! Your puny cardboard box is no match for his super strength!

And yet, there is one box that even Maru fears. A beast that lures its victims into a devious trap. The dreaded Zozotown, Devourer of Cats!

Whew, that was a close call. Time to relax in the garden.

via Maru-watcher Andrew Y.

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Weekend Open Thread

Happy Caturday! Today we have a pair of clothing claimers from reader Tara O.

Jacques is all black (left) and Butch is the tuxedo (right). Picture 1: this is what I found on my bed after my shower. My clothes were no longer mine. Picture 2: After some head scritches and compliments I was able to extract my clothes for the day.

Two cats rest on top of clothing laid on a bed
All clothing is automatically the most comfortable place in the house.
Same two cats on the same bed, but this time not on top of clothing
Naked bed. It will have to do.
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