Links: It’s Good to Be the King

Beautiful bulldog crowned, strange animal pictures, Ukrainian cat gets new home, alligator rescues dog, and more.

And finally: Breaking In the New Doorman

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Heavy is the Head that Wears the Cone

Gentlemen, today is indeed a sad day here at the Jowl Society, for today we learn that our own Brother Louie has returned to us wearing the Cone of Shame. As if this indignity were not enough, we further learn that he is, to put it delicately, no longer whole. Friends, who among us would turn his back on our brother in his hour of loss and sorrow? Shall we stoop to petty mockery of his affliction? Eventually we will, sure, but right now let’s have a moment of silence and then open the bar.

bulldogs look sad because one wears cone
We’re already workshopping “Jowls, but no Jewels.” Catchy, ya think? (Reddit)
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Whatta Load of Bulldog!

Talk about a spoiled brat! Here’s a cranky bulldog with his micro-nose out of joint because he has to sleep by himself instead on his daddy, who doesn’t look nearly as well upholstered as that cushy dog bed. (via Murray C.)

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