Cat’s Eye in the Sky

Attention Employers! Are you squeezing the maximum value from your workforce? Make certain with Ceiling CAT (Comprehensive Attention Tracking) surveillance system.

Cat looks down from small hole in ceiling
Slacker acquired, recording…

Ceiling CAT gives you a top-down view of your workforce, identifying slackers, snackers, pencil stackers, gamers, knitters, quiet quitters, Facetokkers, Tikbookers, Flaknackers, anyone who looks suspiciously contented, and Communists.

closer look of cat in ceiling
I’ve… SEEN things. (Reddit)
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Links: Summa Cum Meowed

Cat gets a doctorate, beefalo on the loose, bossy baby beaver, snow leopard cubs, and more.

And finally: That’s Enough Screen Time

Luv Bunny and 6rabbits bring us a bunny who can help with phone addiction.

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Maru’s In Tents

Time for another backyard camping adventure, with Maru, Hana and Kitten Miri each getting their own tent. Naturally Maru’s is biggest.

But what’s even more fun than separate tents is getting together for a cuddle puddle!

Such a happy family, Andrew Y.

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Weekend Open Thread

Happy Caturday, fellow Cutetropolitans! We’re having open thread outdoors today, under the watchful eye of Jacques, from reader Tara O.

Despite his health issues over the winter and turning 18 this month, he still insists on being the supervisor. I thought I’d have to give him an emeritus position, but he has surprised me.

Remember, I’m watching you.

I was working on the roses in the front this week and was thoroughly inspected and supervised.

Leave me some foliage to hide in.

As you can see, Butch has no interest in this sort of responsibility.

And just where do you think you’re going?
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