Hi, folks. In these times of fast food and quick snacks, it’s good to enjoy cooking the old-fashioned slow way. So in this six-part series, we’ll examine the entire process of making the perfect meal, from picking the right utensils to getting those finishing touches just right. It might take longer, but when we’re done, we’ll have the most perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich you ever ate.
Deliver Me From Evil
Most days are good days. Get in, leave the package, and get out, and everyone’s happy to see you. Well, almost everyone. Like yesterday, I felt like dozens of eyes watching me from the bushes. That’s when I realized this was Cat Territory.
Roly-poly Fish Head!
After five rounds of auditions, an aggressive lobbying campaign including full-page advertisements in Variety, and generous gift baskets for the producers, Moofy won the coveted title role in the Cucamonga Dinner Theater production of Finding Nemo.
I’ve got front row seats, Andrew Y.
Bless You, Sergeant McPoodle
Today we salute the brave officers who gallantly patrol the great white north, the Royal Canadian Mounted Puppies. From the place with all the snow to the place with all the trees, they always get their man!