This was exactly what I needed. Good call, human.
Welcome to WoofyMart
“Naw, we don’t sell Slurpees here, that’s the place across the street. Unless you’re referring to when I jump over the counter and start slurping your face, which is free with every fill-up of eight gallons or more.”
Psycho Psychic
Speak nothing, stranger, for my mystic crystal ball and magic cards shall reveal why you are here. Your passion is justice, to avenge all who have been wronged. Your pursuit shall lead to a tent at the outskirts of the city, where a con artist uses her crystal ball and magic cards… to… um…
Chad Thinks About His Future
People said it would be easier after graduation, but I’ve got more pressure than ever! Do I take that job at Dad’s factory? Go on to grad school? Just take a year and travel? It’s like everyone’s got an opinion but me!