Links: Special Deliveries

Porch pirate plunders package, kitten wants attention, Paddington Bear dog, zoo cuteness, and photocopier fun.

And finally: At the Cutetropolis Office Party

This is just the scene we could show. (via Allein S.)

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Links: Awesome Possum

Possum sweaters, orangutan stories, the deer feeder, trash cat, and jumbo birdbath

And finally: Big Birdbath

Andrew Y.

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Links: Mini-Maru

New kid in Maru-town, possum in sweater, veggie-pets, firehouse pup, and charging skunk.

And finally: Charging Skunk

Sure, this feisty lady is cute, but can we talk for a moment about the Pac-Man rug? (Instagram via Andrew Y.)

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Links: Tree-Hugging Tiger

And finally: Put a Spring in Your Step

As if sheep weren’t sproingy enough already, this one found a trampoline. (via Erin U.)

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