Links: Toothiness

Goofy chihuahua, charming cat, pets and butterflies, prairie dogs at home, and more.

And finally: Tugboat Corgi

Andrew Y. shares a unique water taxi service.
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Links: Rare Cuteness

First spotted fanaloka birth in U.S., dog understands words, prairie dogs emerge, giraffe legs, and more.

And finally: Rise and Shine!

Or ooze and whine, in this dog’s case. (via Murray C.)

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Links: Is It Supposed to Be Bald?

Gorilla likes human baby, bears on the green, dog shaming, and please don’t boop the snoot.

And finally: No Boopa Da Snoot!

“Please sir, no more snoot boops.”
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I Demand to See the Manager!

I distinctly recall ordering three GrassyBurger combo meals which should entitle me to one regular-sized bag of deep-fried Grubz per order, but instead I got one bag of Grubz and a two bags of SpicySeedz! Furthermore, the toy that came with my son’s PupMeal was different from the sign in the window! This is an outrage!

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