Kissing Fiona!

It’s been a while since we checked in on the fabulous Fiona at the Cincinnati Zoo, and reader Murray C. just shared this heartwarming scene between Miss Fi and her stepfather Tucker. Apparently Tucker is feeling quite welcome in his new family, because when he calls out to Fiona, she rushes up to give him a big surprise! Mmmmm-WAH!

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It’s Peanut Butter Quilly Time!

Let’s get right to the point: Nothing sounds cuter than a porcupine eating peanut butter from a spoon. I read it on the Internet, right here in this paragraph I just wrote, so it has to be true. (via Murray C.)

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How to Play the Theremin Cat

Once considered a relic of 50’s sci-fi movie scores, the theremin cat remains popular among devotees of exotic musical instruments. Since it requires only simple hand gestures, even the novice player can pick it up with ease. (via Murray C.)

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