Dog Bless Us, Every One

In his callous youth, Finn was a harsh master, cruel and merciless to a long succession of toy piggies, which he chewed and destroyed with rough abandon. Then the piggies came no more, their squeals forever silenced — or so he thought, for after five squeakless years, a familiar sound graced his ears. His piggy had returned! “Thank you, merciful spirits, thank you!” cried Finn with joy, and from that moment on, he vowed never to mistreat a piggy again. Then he licked himself.

Andrew Y., Sharon H., and Gigi The cat lady submitted the Dickens out of this video. (via Mashable.)

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9 thoughts on “Dog Bless Us, Every One

  1. Julie February 2, 2017 / 10:53 am

    I want to up vote this 1,000 times!!!!!

  2. allein ? February 2, 2017 / 10:57 am

    Finn is too cute! I refuse to believe that he destroyed a long line of piggies.

  3. Birdcage February 2, 2017 / 11:40 am

    The spitting image of my dearly-departed doxie!!! In my case, the beloved squeaky toy was a terry cloth carrot. We went back to the store and got 6 spare carrots as soon as we realized the depth of our doxie’s love – but to no avail. Only the original carrot would ever do.

    • Faye February 2, 2017 / 3:40 pm

      You had doxie! You lucky! Name of coat color please.

  4. Margaret February 2, 2017 / 11:41 am

    Maybe Finn is why there is a bacon shortage!

    • debg February 2, 2017 / 12:54 pm

      Heeheehee! I just sent a friend that story yesterday.

  5. Faye February 2, 2017 / 3:38 pm

    Coat color is killing me. The talking. Unbelievably expressive of deep joy. “Oh Piggie where were you hiding all this time?!”

    I saved a rubber squeaky hamburger from my sweet Sammigirl’s puppyhood for my sentimental attachment. She would squeak it and rub her chin on the bumpy sesame seeds on the top.

    One day I was dusting and took the hamburger down. I squeaked it then gave it to her. When she heard that squeak her eyes lit up. She spent a good half hour rubbing her chin on it. Then she stopped. Let me take it to save it again.

    And yes, no other squeaky hamburger fit the bill.

  6. Julie February 2, 2017 / 4:54 pm

    The very end is so cute when the screen blacks out and you just hear Finn’s little noise.

  7. sugitomo February 4, 2017 / 11:33 pm

    Awww, a little hot dog who loves and misses his bacon. <3

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