It’s another peaceful Caturday, and reader Muppet2171 brings us a moment of sibling love as Teller watches over her sleeping sister Penny.

BONUS Sibling Slurping!
Reader Jeanette shares a moment between her friend’s two pugs:
Lucky and Clover showing two great tastes that taste good together. Refreshing puggy love. Lucky and Clover are litter mates who are now cousins. Enjoy the tandem slurping.
The pugs licking water off of each others faces is hysterical 😁 With Penny and Teller I see…CAT HAIR!!
Theo used to leave that much hair all over when he was shedding 9 months of the year🙄. I do not miss it!
Very pretty day here. We don’t slam into the 80s till Wednesday so I need to get crack in’ n the yard work today.
Everyone have a good day!😃
Always wonderful to see Teller and the elusive Penny! Those pugs have me chortling with happiness.
I’m off to the Wool Market today in Estes Park! I’m hoping for lots of llama hugs, not to mention shopping. And a friend is coming with me–she just bought a small loom and I aim to enable her new weaving habit.
Hugs to you all.
Happy Caturday!
I have a dentist appointment at noon. 🙁
My parents leave tomorrow for my dad’s Navy reunion in Maryland, so I will worry while they are driving.
The dogs were…well, you know.
I can never get over how beautiful Penny and Teller are. Teller’s face! What a protective sibling. The the two pugs are so sweet.
What a week!
We are installing an exhibit set to open next week. I really like the work, the exhibition is going to be amazing, but there was a huge component of managing expectations this time around as my boss is the curator. He comes from a museum with lots of money for exhibitions. We do not have that. The good thing is, he is a joy to work for – a leader by example. So while it’s a lot of work, its amicable and there is healthy give and take, dare I say fun?
But all of this was overshadowed by the closure of The University of the Arts, a 154 year-old-arts institution in center city Philadelphia. Everyone found out – not from the school – but the paper – and given one week’s notice. What has followed has been an absolute dumpster fire of contradictory information and no information. I received my graduate degree from UArts and have stayed close with faculty, staff, and friends from the program. I taught a semester, had several thesis advisees, interns and employees from the program. The abrupt and completely opaque closure has been devastating. Last week was a scramble as everyone felt the need to get their personal belongings and equipment out of the building before Friday. Good thing they did because last night it was reported that just over 600 of approximately 700 were laid off (and presumably locked out of the buildings). Then there are the students – talk about having the rug yanked out from under you. My heart breaks for them. I am also so proud of them for the protest they have kept up on the front steps of the main hall all week. The fine arts students have the best chance of transferring quickly. They have a portfolio of final work they can present. But the performing art students (music, theater, dance) will have a hard time. Auditions for the fall have already happened, quotas for programs have mostly been filled. I really feel for them. Sorry for the rant – it’s just been mind boggling. Tomorrow is Stitch & Bitch and I can vent more with them. I think I’m following 6Rabbits lead and heading out to wreak havoc on the garden. Watch out weeds – I’ve got frustrations to work out on you!
Hoping everyone else had a better week. Thank you as always for the cute and the community. You are all are buoys in rough seas. ❤️
Oh, that’s awful. Imagine having to hear about it from the media!
What’s happening at UArts is horrifying and just a harbinger of things to come. Arts and liberal arts are seen as trash degrees because they “don’t teach marketable skills.” I was a victim of a foreign language bloodbath at LSU years ago, and I don’t wish such an aftermath on anyone. Sending you hugs and support.
So very sorry about the closed school and the way everything was handled. That is not the way to close a school! Higher education, especially in the fine arts, liberal arts, and humanities, is really in the crosshairs these days.
The place where I used to teach laid off 44 faculty members, mostly in the liberal arts, a few years back and it turned out NOT to be a cost-saving measure–their enrollment dropped while most of the faculty members won their appeal to be reinstated and are now on full pay without teaching any classes.
Always love when the gorgeous Penn and Teller grace this site. And your house looks like mine when it comes to pet hair. No matter how much you sweep, lint roll, vacuum, it is everywhere.
The pugs had me in hysterics – dtrink, slurp, lick the other’s face, repeat 🤣😂.
Got a few things going on today. Going to a grand opening for a local store that specializes in Legos, then haircut later. Also need to run a few errands on the way home plus pick up a book from the library. Almost forgot, hubby and I somehow managed not to kill each other with assembling the furniture last weekend. Yeah for us!!
Later today, I’ll be working on my latest Lego project, building Notre Dame Cathedral, all 4400 pieces.
After a week I’m about 1/3 of the way done. It’s an intricate design but still doable. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of the month. What’s interesting in this build, instead of building the entire base first than the next layer, etc, you build it by sections corresponding to years, like how the original was built. So you put together the front section then the middle, then the towers, and probably last the spire.
Have a great weekend everyone!
The following is a Public Service Announcement from The Shortcakery, York.
“Have you spent a couple of hours emptying and cleaning your loft, thereby disturbing dust particles which theoretically may have lain undisturbed since 1906? Don’t forget that after finishing work it isn’t enough to wash your hands, you also need to WASH THE FILTH OFF YOUR FACE before leaving the house to go shopping!”
Yes, I failed to do this and two people asked if I was OK.
On Thursday I finally succeeded in seeing a very enjoyable ballet version of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ at Leeds. My previous attempt to see this production, on a very windy day back in the pre-Covid era, was thwarted when the show was cancelled at the very last minute due to fears about the structural stability of the theatre’s roof!
The beautiful Penny and Teller. I can’t get enough of them.
Yesterday started out depressively, with the shocking price increase of my meds, but so many little good things happened that I was quite cheered up by the end. Went to chiro, and the bus driver not only refused to let me pay, but also gave me a four hour transfer! Chiropractor put FOUR ribs back into place, and my breathing became so much easier and painless. Long transfer time allowed me to pick up a few needed groceries (and check out a fabric store) before heading home. Exercises were a tiny bit easier to do. Hubby’s boss was thrilled by the customer reviews for housekeeping and bought everyone a whole pizza each, so we have supper tonight (for hubby watching hockey). And I was trying on some dresses I’m sewing, and I need to take them in a good two inches!
Today is little chores (dusting, dishes, etc) and tomorrow I get to start on some crafting projects. Looking forward to it.
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Teller and Penny are beautiful and the pugs are so cute!
If anyone is interested that is a link to the live feed of the peregrine falcon’s nest on to of the Montreal University. There are 3 babies this year!
Always love to see photos of the beautiful Penny and Teller!
Spending most of the day catching up from the busy week. Julius had his neuter surgery last Friday and is healing well from that, but for the first few days we had many arguments about the cone, and not being able to go outside. On Thursday, he spent his first night alone as we went to a concert in a town about 2.5 hours north of us (which took 4 hours to get to in the ridiculous traffic, but at least we made it on time). I was able to photograph the singer- for my Canadian peeps on here it was Colin James and he’s just as awesome as he was 30 years ago when I first discovered him- and we saw him at that venue because no photo pass was required. We’re going to his show tonight in Seattle, and I requested a photo pass for that one but didn’t get it, so I’ll just sit back and enjoy the music.
Julius has met the deer, and is figuring out that they won’t run from him if he tries to chase them. I think at this point he just wants to play with them, but they’re not interested in that. They are, however, VERY interested in following him around, so I’m joking that he’s the leader of the herd now. One of my patients brought him some fresh catnip from her garden and he decided he liked that very much.
Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
Enjoy llama-hugging, DEBG! I got to pet an alpaca two days ago. Nice and soft. The library system I retired from is having farm animal petting zoos during summer reading time, and I went to one across town. Fortunately I left before the storm hit. Unfortunately I am no longer familiar with the roads in that area, and was sort of turned around when it started pouring down! Anyway, there were two bunnies, but I couldn’t get near them, too popular with the children, so I went over to the lonely looking pig. It was scruffy and not very nice to pet, but it had cute, floppy ears. No bouncing baby goats, but one of the grown goats appeared to be about to produce at least one. There were also ponies and a sweet calf. Nice outing, except for the rain.
I am pleased to report that I got many llama kisses today. No neck hugs, but many many kisses. And sweet Angora bunnies, and Angora goats (providers of mohair), and sheep sheep sheep. Plus tons of shopping. It was a wonderful day.