Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the Caturday open thread, and today reader Tara O. shares an image of her cat being a real pill.

Attached is a picture dedicated to Georgiana and all other cat mommies who have give daily pills. Here is Jacques who managed to pitooee his thyroid pill right out of his pill pocket. Of course this means he gets another one.

Black cat stares up at you below. On the floor are a small pill and an empty bowl
Bowls are for food, not pills.
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Weekend Open Thread

It’s a chilly mid-winter Caturday, and today’s visitor is decidedly not a fan, as reader N. Fritz explains:

We’ve had some snow in Vienna and Mutz (rhymes with “puts”) is having none of it! At 16 years old he prefers to hang out inside, under the radiator or in the stream of warm air from the heat pump. Best of all, he likes his “grass sack,” which reminded him of carefree summer days when he could lie outside in the sun!

Black and white cat curls up on a blanket with a printed pattern of green grass.
Normally, I don’t play on artificial turf..
Same cat
… but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Bonus Cuteness!
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Tiny Tots With Their Eyes All Aglow

“It’s going to be a simple Christmas this year,” Beatrice told herself, as indeed she did every year to no avail. And sure enough she once again overindulged and overspent on all manner of cat food, cat treats and cat toys, never suspecting that she was under the control of… the Laser Mind Control Squad!

Two cats sit on a coffee table near a Christmas display. Their eyes glow brightly due to the effect of camera flash.

Reader DebG writes: “A friend shared her delightful photo with me, and I knew you could create a terrific backstory to go with it.”

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