Links: Super Squirrels

Squirrel parkour, little lamb, big bear, pittie pool party, and kitten ambush

And finally: What Do You Call a Bush Full of Kittens?

It’s an ambush! (via Murray C.)

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Links: Raging Rescue

A hot hero, shaved alpacas, doggie driver, and a nativity scene waiting to happen, in today’s links.

And finally: The Return of Keyboard Cat

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Lamb Bus Now Boarding

Now and then, a photo comes along of such epic cuteness that no possible caption I could write would do it justice. Fortunately, somebody on Reddit wrote this explanation:

Mule nannies are used in Italy when grazing animals are moved from high pastures down to the plains. Newborn lambs are unable to make the journey own their own. They ride in pouches of a specially made saddle. At rest stops lambs are returned to their mothers for a meal & some nuzzling.

lambs on mule
Are we there yet?

Submitted in epic fashion by Gigi the cat lady. UPDATE: More mule nanny photos here (thanks, AJ)!

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Links: Home Alone

Dog gets custom home, your cat thinks you’re a cat, and what do corgis wag? We find out in today’s links

And finally: Wag the Dog

Answering the question: If a dog has no tail, what does it wag? (via Andrew Y.)

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