Links: Out-of-Body Experience

Dog outline, alpaca treehouse, baby owl rescue, stalking duck, and more.

And finally: Bear Bath

Dana D. shares a bear with a backyard as big as all outdoors.

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Links: Putting the “Lam” in “Llama”

Llama drama, friendly bear, adoption tales, rescued kittens, and we kid you not – – it’s 2021!

And finally: Baby 2021, Reporting for Duty!

New year, new energy! (via Andrew Y.)

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Links: And a Llama Shall Lead Them

Llama drama, famous sloth, kangaroo kitten, and wagging otter tail!

And finally: Otter Bliss

Lookit that tail go, Andrew Y.!

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Links: Llama Drama

Llama crashes wedding, smart parrots, dog guards bread, and cuddly cow, in today’s links.

And finally: Cuddly Cow Cranium

Cows can be more affectionate with just their heads than some animals can be with their entire bodies. (via Andrew Y.)

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