It’s Peanut Butter Quilly Time!
Let’s get right to the point: Nothing sounds cuter than a porcupine eating peanut butter from a spoon. I read it on the Internet, right here in this paragraph I just wrote, so it has to be true. (via Murray C.)
Links: Eight Lives to Go
Cat survives condo collapse, baby porcupines, dog plays dead, pandas in the clear, and howling lesson
And finally: Here’s Howl It’s Done
This puppy gets a howling lesson and catches on quickly. (via Murray C.)
Links: Mews Not Moos
Cats with cow markings, dog fosters bunnies, one-eyed goblin, service dog gets kitten, and one prickly eater
And finally: Spiny Diner
That’s one prickly eater, Arne.