What better way to start your Caturday than by rubbing a fluffeh kitteh belleh?

What better way to start your Caturday than by rubbing a fluffeh kitteh belleh?
It’s the weekend, and time to do all those chores you’ve been putting off. However, if you’d like to put them off a little longer, reader Georgiana Y. has the perfect alibi:
I couldn’t clean the house today because Minnie wouldn’t let me get up, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.
It’s another peaceful Caturday, and reader Muppet2171 brings us a moment of sibling love as Teller watches over her sleeping sister Penny.
Reader Jeanette shares a moment between her friend’s two pugs:
Lucky and Clover showing two great tastes that taste good together. Refreshing puggy love. Lucky and Clover are litter mates who are now cousins. Enjoy the tandem slurping.
It’s another glorious Caturday, and lounging around in all his glory is Julius, whose human Susan H. says he’s getting comfortable in his new home:
I was worried that it would take a while for him to settle in and get used to us, but apparently I didn’t need to be concerned. This was taken a few days after we got him.