Good morning and welcome to the Caturday open thread. Looks like somebody’s sleeping in late, so maybe keep conversation quiet.

Image by Dominic Alberts from Pixabay
Good morning and welcome to the Caturday open thread. Looks like somebody’s sleeping in late, so maybe keep conversation quiet.
Image by Dominic Alberts from Pixabay
Happy Caturday and welcome to the open thread. Every cat is quirky and unique, and so it is with this beautiful stripey girl from reader Georgiana Y.:
I’ve had cats all my life but never one quite like Skye! She is clumsy and not graceful at all, she moves more like a bulldog than a cat. Also I had hoped that her obsession with chewing the cords of things like chargers would pass as she grew older but, sadly, no. As I often tell her, it’s a good thing that she’s so cute!
Happy Caturday, and welcome to the open thread. Today’s visitors, from reader Sowmya D., are quite catty:
Ekaterina Velikaya (L) and Nikolai Devinovich (R) interrupt their usual Winter Whap Fight to talk smack about the husky across the street. Dexter the Toy Dragon declines to participate in the gossip.
Open thread time! For today’s Caturday open thread, reader Georgiana Y. shares a photo of Storm in a box that’s a perfect fit — maybe too perfect. “Storm didn’t stay in the box for long,” she notes. “I think she was worried I’d mail her to Abu Dahbi.”